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(Val's POV)

"So you're wearing a suit?" My mom asked

"Ugh yeah. Kinda. I mean I'm not going to wear and full on blazer and everything but yeah, I guess you can say a suit."

It was quiet for awhile. I knew she wanted to see her daughter in a dress but that's not me.

"Well okay. Its up to you. As long as you're happy, I'm happy ."

"Mom, are you upset?" I asked already knowing the answer

"No, not a all. A little disappointed but I guess if my daughter isn't wearing a dress then I should be happy that at least my daughter-in-law is."

"Maaaaa. Don't be like that. You already knew since I was like nine years old tht I wasn't going to be the one wearing a dress on my wedding day. I remember you having a conversation with dad about how you knew I was gay when I never missed a day of mrs. Norways class in 8th grade.

"Of course I knew. I just thought that maybe you'll change your mind."

"Nope. I'm not doing it. I love you ma but I'm not doing it."

"Fine. As long as you look nice, I don't don't care."

"Thanks mom."

"Yeah yeah, now let me talk to my grandson please." I called Carter down and gave him the phone. I'm not sure what they were talking about but I knew I wasn't getting my phone back for awhile.

I left and went up stairs to my room where I found Chloe and the twins. She was playing with them and Josh was trying to stand up. Jake on the other hand was kind of just rolling around.

"What is your son doing?" I asked .

"We have three. I need you to be specific."


"He's umm having fun. Joshua is trying to stand and after about four attepms he quits and joins Jacob."

"At least he tries." I shrugged and sat down on the bed. Just when I was starting to lay down my phone rang. Carter came running in my room.

"Grandma hung up but somebody else called." Whenever somebody that wasn't a family member or close friend calls I really don't want to answer it. There's enough going on and for some reason life just loves to throw surprises at me.

(Chloe's POV)

I watched Val walk out of the room as she spoke on the phone. She always did that when it was business call or something she thought would worry me. When she came back she sat on the bed and started watching TV. I was curious so of course I asked her

"Honey, who was that on the phone?"

"A job offering." She said without taking her eyes off the screen.

"Well? Did you take it?"

"Uh no. We would have to move to Michigan and we don't have the money for that. Plus, I'm pretty comfy where I am."

"I don't know why you don't just keep the job you have now." She gave me a look and I sighed. "Okay, I know why but to be fair your job isn't what got you in trouble this time. It was Olivia. So, you should keep it."

"Why do you want me to keep this job so bad? I'm never really home."

"Because even though you're not home as much and you're tired you would be miserable without it. I want to see you happy. We've been making it work, so what so different about now? I know you're thinking about me and the kids and I love you for that but please don't do this."

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