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*2 weeks later*

(Chloe's POV)

Its around 10 and I'm sitting at my desk while the children finish their worksheets on plants when Carter walks up to me with his finished paper.

"Thank you Carter. You can just sit quietly until everyone is finished."

"I have a question Ms. Ellison." He was leaning on my desk with his arms crossed

"And what would this question be?" I asked

"When is Sergent Dexter coming back?"

"I'm afraid career day was only for 1 day."

"Aw man. She can't come back just to visit." He stood staring at me with puppy dog eyes

"Fine. I'll see what I can do."

"Thank you Ms. Ellison." He hugged me and ran back to him seat. I wonder what happened between them at lunch that day. Carter went from questioning her lizard license to wanting her to come back. I shrugged it off and went throughout my day like normal.

When I got home, I didn't know what time I should call Val. I didn't know her schedule and it was the middle of the week, so I waited a couple hours before calling.

"Maybe I shouldn't call her on a Thursday. " I said out loud to myself. "Or maybe I should do it on Saturday, but what if she's busy then too." I sat in my bed and thought about it for a couple of minutes. It was a little after 7, so I figured if she was still working I would just leave a voicemail.

When she answered I nearly dropped the phone. I didn't expect her to answer.

"Hello." She answered

"Umm hello, this is Chloe Ellison from Riden elemetry school."

"Oh yeah, how is everything going?"

"Everything is fine. I was just calling because Carter wanted to know when would be the next he would see you again. I told him you might be busy so I'd at least try."

"Well, I am very busy during the day this week, however I won't be doing any spy stuff next week. So if your  principal says I can come back I don't have a problem."

"Ok thank you." For some reason I was very nervous and she noticed

"Are you ok? You sound a little shakey." 

"Yeah I'm fine." I said lying

"You sure? You sound nervous. If you need anything I'm here."

"I am a little nervous." She chuckled and there was like a 4 second pause

"You don't have to be nervous to talk to me. I'm a very nice person."

"How do I know that?"

"Because I told you. Besides, even your students like me."

"I don't know Valentine. I still think you're a spy and you probably do spy stuff." This time she laughed.

"You're funny. Well how about this, since you don't know me, maybe we can go somewhere and get to know each other. Maybe Saturday."

"And what do you have in mind, Sergent Dexter?"

"Well Ms. Ellison, I'm not from around here. So maybe you should pick."

"I don't have anything in mind right now."

"Its ok, there's no rush." At this moment I am fully convinced that I can stay on the phone with her all night. I'm not sure if it was the fact that it was getting late or if she just had a long day, but her voice was so soft and quiet. It was almost comforting. I snapped out of my little daze when I heard her say my name.

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