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(Val's POV)

Its now Wednesday and Chloe has had me busting my ass in order to have the decorations up before my family got here. We were moving pretty fast until we heard the doorbell rang.

"Hey Val." Briana greeted me when I opened the door. She gave me a hug and gave Chloe a hug also. Nick came after.

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"She wanted to be here. I said we should call first and she told me to shut up. So here we are."

I let Nick in and they sat down in the living room

"Is there anything I can get yall?" Chloe asked

"No I'm fine." Briana said. Nick said the same.

After about 30 minutes of small talk and questions about being the godmothers of the baby Nick decides to fuck everything up.

"I had to fix like 3 computers yesterday. With all the money we have the first floor still needs major upgrades and no one seems to care." Nick said

"Well you are the computer nerd." I said laughing

"Yeah but you've gotten good at it too."

"I had to. Margo calls me in for everything. Things that aren't on my resume.

"To be fair your resume says guns and ammo." Nick said laughing. "But seriously, when are you coming in to work?"

I just shrugged

"Well she might be embarrassed to see you now." He laughed. I tried to signal him to stop talking but he didn't catch on. "Yeah I mean if I had accidentally told my employee that I liked their company in a creepy way. I'd be embarrassed too." I was scared to turn around and look at Chloe. I could feel her staring at me

"Excuse me?" Chloe said. "When did this happen?"

"Monday." Nick continued

"Niiiiiiick. Shut up." I said

"So you're telling me, I don't get to see you or spend time with you because your boss has a crush on you?" Chloe walked out the room and up the stairs

"Sweetheart where are you going?" She didn't say anything

"Umm I hear keys." Briana said

I jumped up and stopped her before she got down the stairs.

"Where are you going?"


"Before you walk out the door, remember that tomorrow's Christmas Eve and you have children and whatever you're about to say to her is not worth it."

"Valentine, move." Well ladies and gentlemen that's when I have no choice but to get out her way. Don't judge me. You don't know.

"Woah woah. Chloe calm down." Briana stood in front of the door. I know Chloe wouldn't push past her because she's pregnant.

"Why should I? Val gets called in to work to do things that other people can do. If anything Val deserves a raise and time to be home with her family but because her boss likes her company, she doesn't get to be here. What if Margo kept Nick away because she liked him?"

"I understand but going to her is pointless." Briana said still standing in front of the door

"Baby, just call down. We have things to do before my family gets here." She just looked at me. Like for a really long time. Almost as if she was really questioning if what I said was relevant.

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