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(Chloe's POV)

I decided to let Carter stay with me for the weekend. His foster mom was really sick and I knew she needed a break from the tornado that is Carter. I picked him up and he insisted on being in the passenger seat.

"You know this is illegal right?" I asked him

"What does illegal mean?"

"It means that I can get in trouble with the police if they see you in the front seat."

"Don't worry I'll just put on my fake mustache and them I'll be an adult."

"I don't think that's how that works."

"You're right. I need my tie too." I laughed. This kid sure knows how to brighten your day. He reached in his bag and pulled out a purple tie with yellow monsters on it and a fake bushy mustache. "Ok now I'm ready. Can I sit in the front now?"

"Ok but just this once." He climbed in and put his seatbelt on. I'm pretty sure passing cars could only see his curly red hair through the window.

"Ms. Ellison, do you have any pets?"

"I have 2 horses."

"Really?!" His eyes lit up and a big smile stretched across his face

"Yeah, would you like to ride one?"

"Yes yes yes yes yes yes!"

"Ok ok, calm down but first we'll get some lunch."

"Can you make me a grilled cheese sandwich?"

"You don't want any McDonald's?"

"No. That's all I used to eat. I like when my food is made at home."

"Ok then. I guess it's grilled cheese for lunch." The drive home was about 15 minutes and the whole time Carter was talkimg my head off but it was ok. I'm just happy that he's happy. When we got out of the car he grabbed his bags and followed me inside.

"Wow! Your house is really cool."

"Thank you. Come on. This is where you will be sleeping." I showed him the guest room and he put his things down and instantly flopped on the bed.

"Its so big and comfy. This bed is meant for a king." As soon as he said that he grabbed his bag and pulled out a plastic gold crown. I don't know why he had all of this stuff but he was prepared for anything. "I am a king and this is my bed and no one can lay on it but me. Ok?"

"Ok." I said


"I promise. This is King Carter's bedroom." He smiled and did a little dance and I couldn't help but laugh.

I washed my hands and got everything out to make the grilled cheese sandwiches. He sat on a stool at my kitchen island and watched me make them.

"Here you go." I said handing him his plate. "2 grilled cheese sandwiches."

"Thank you."

"What would you like to drink?"

"Do you have any fruit punch?"

"I sure do." I poured a glass of juice for both of us and sat down next to him to eat.

"Its so quiet here. Do you ever get lonely?"


"Me too. Well at my new house. My foster dad nwould never be home and my foster mom would be in bed all day."

"You didn't go outside?"

"Yeah but its not safe. There are bad people where I live."

"Well you're welcome here whenever you want. There's a little girl next door who you could play with. Her name is Jade."

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