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(Chloe POV)

I walked into my classroom to find a woman in uniform sitting on my desk. She had short brown hair and hazel eyes. She was really attractive. The kids weren't in the classroom and I was confused. She sat there with a smile on her face and a rose in her hand. She grabbed me by the hand and seconds before our lips touched, my alarm went off.

It was only a dream. I'm not sure if I liked the dream, but I wanted to finish it. I rolled over and turned my alarm off and got out of bed. I rubbed my eyes and waited for them to adjust. I took a shower, got dressed, did my hair,and grabbed a bagel and a orange juice from my refrigerator before walking to my car.

I drove to the school and sat in my car for about 5 minutes before going inside. I was just trying to get myself together. There's no telling what Carter has up his sleeve today, or any day.

I sat down behind my desk and waited for my students. I knew that once I tell them about career day tomorrow they get super excited and I would be bombarded with questions. The first student to walk in was Lucy Chow as usual. Her parents went to work early so she is always dropped off early. She came by my desk and placed a tiny porcelain doll right next to my name plate.

"I got this for you. She has pretty yellow hair just like you. My mommy said that I should give a gift to nice people." Lucy said

"Thank you, Lucy. Tell your mommy I said thank you."

"Ok." Lucy turned around and skipped all the way to her desk. Time passed and a couple of other students came in and soon almost everyone was here. Actually the only one that wasn't here was Carter. He ran in seconds before the school bell rang.

"Well hello Carter." I said as I wrote my lesson on the board

"Hi Ms. Ellison. Sorry I was almost late. I couldn't find Monty." He said sliding into his seat

"Monty? Who's Monty?" I asked turning around to face the class

"My pet lizard. I couldn't find him. My uh, older brother said it ran away."

"Ok well as long as you're here I'm happy. Ok class before I start today's lesson, I want to tell y'all that we are going to have visitors tomorrow." One of my students, Larry Hunter raised his hand

"Yes, Larry."

"Why are they coming?" Larry said looking very excited

"Well tomorrow is career day. Important people in our city will tell us about their jobs and answer your questions."

"Who will be coming? Is it Superman?" The whole class starting talking and getting loud with excitement.

"Settle down class." I waited until they were all quiet again to finish talking. "No it won't be Superman. However we will have a firefighter, a US soldier and a doctor."

"I don't like doctors. They give me shots." Carter said

"Well no one is going to give shot. I promise." I turned around to finish writing and a few seconds later I heard screams. I turned around and Lucy had a lizard on her shoulder.

"Oh my God! Oh my God! Ms. Ellison get it off! Get it off!" Lucy screamed but sat completely still in her chair

"Shh! Stop screaming. You're scaring him." Carter said as he walked over to her desk and took the lizard off of her shoulder. He walked over to me and smiled. "I found him Ms. Ellison." I couldn't help but to smile.

"Yes, I see that. Now I have to call your mom or dad to come and get it."

"You can't do that."

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