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(Chloe's POV)

*2 weeks later*

Val hadn't called me in 2 weeks and she hasn't shown up to the school like she promised. I was just guessing that she had been busy and that something unexpected came up. I tried calling her but she wasn't answering, so I started to think it was something I did. Maybe because I kissed her, but she kissed me first.

I was sitting at my desk thinking about it when I was pulled out of my daze by Lucy calling me. She must have been calling my name for awhile because she was walking up to my desk.

"Ms. Ellison!" She yelled as she approach me

"Yes Lucy?"

"I had my hand raised for a long time and then when I called you, you weren't answering. Are you sick?"

"Yeah love sick!" Carter yelled across the classroom. I swear that little boy is something else

"Are you really in love Ms. Ellison?" Leah asked

"Is it Sargent Dexter?" Carter asked

"I am not in love. Everyone get back to work so we can be finished before its time to go home." Everyone resumed what they were doing leaving me to finish my work. About 5 minutes had past by when I felt my phone vibrate. It was a text from Val.

Val: Hey

Me: Hey. Why haven't you been answering my calls?

Val: Its a long story. Can I come over and talk to you about it?

Me: Sure. Anytime after 4 is fine.

Val: Ok. I'll be over around 5.

Me: ok that's fine.

I sat at my desk extremely confused on what was going on. She hasn't called or text me in 2 weeks. I wonder if something happened. I just pushed the thought in the back of my head and went throughout my day as usual.

It was time to go and since it was now mid-November it was kind of chilly and I forgot my jacket in the classroom.

"Ms. Ellison, are you cold? If you are you can wear my jacket." Carter said as we waited for the parents to come and pick the students up.

"No thank you Carter. Besides, I think I'm a little too big for your jacket." There was a slight pause before Carter spoke again.

"Do you think I'll get adopted one day Ms. Ellison?"

"Of course I do. One day you'll have a family and you will have brothers and sisters and maybe even a puppy."

"One of the older boys at my home said no one will ever want a kid like me."

"Oh Carter. Don't listen to him." I kneeled down to his height and took his hands in mine. "Carter you are a wonderful kid. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Just because you're a little different and out spoken doesn't mean you're not wanted. Do you understand me?"

"Yes ma'am." He let go of my hands and put his arms around my neck giving me a long hug. We both looked up when we heard a honking noise. It was time for him to go and he didn't look too happy. I really wish I could help him find a nice family of his own.

After everyone was gone I went back to my things so I can leave. I was so glad Mrs. Donald cut the meeting in half today and I just wanted to go home, but there is always that one obstacle in my way.

Mr. Gilt. He was sitting in my chair with his feet on my desk and his arms folded across his chest.

"May I ask you why you're sitting in my chair or why are you even in my classroom?"

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