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(Chloe's POV)

"How are my favorite nephews?" Calvin said walking into our living room

"What about Matthew?" Cara asked

"Oh yeah. He's my favorite too.'

"They are getting so big." My mama said as she looked into the twins crib.

"Yeah, well I'm going to need to a babysitter soon. School starts in 2 weeks."

"I can babysit. I mean I'm retired and have nothing to do."

"I can't have you looking after them. There's more than one and that's just too much."

"Oh shut up. I'll watch them and its free. Anybody else you would gave to pay."

"You sure?"


"Ok. Well then its set." I was getting up to go into the kitchen when my phone rang. It was Vinnie.


"Hey Chloe." He Sounded like he was panicked

"Vinnie, what's wrong?"

"Val got into a car accident. They said it wasn't bad but none of us can make it. We need you to go visit and make sure she's ok."

"Yeah no problem." I hung up and told my mama what happened and left. The whole ride to the hospital I was speeding and I really didn't care. The worst was going through my head and I didn't know what I would see when I got there. I kept myself together and didn't cry the whole way there.

When I got to her room, she was laying in bed eating a burger. She looked ok besides the cast on her leg and stitches over her eyebrow. I was just happy to see she was ok

"Hey." I said leaning on the door frame. She looked up at me and smiled.

"Hey sweetheart." And that's when the tears started. "What's wrong?"

"You still call me sweetheart."

"Of course I do. No matter what I will still care about you an you will always be my sweetheart."

"I'm happy to see that you're ok. How do you feel?"

"I feel like I just got into a car accident." She laughed

"You know what I mean." I said hitting her arm

"I know I know. I feel ok. Better now that you're here."

"Val, I'm sorry for how I left you. You getting into that accident made me realize that I was wrong for how I did things. If you would have died in that accident, I would have felt so bad because of how things were left off. I did the one thing you were afraid of, I left you."

"Chloe, you did what you thought was best. You were thinking about your safety as well as the twins. I can't blame you for that. Walking out is probably what's best."

"I don't want you out of my life completely. Hell, I don't want you out of it at all. I love you and always will. I want to be with you but I'm scared. I'm terrified for my life and the twins."

"Well, I decided to change fields. I'm just going to be on the desk."

"Val, me and you both know that will make you miserable. You love doing what you do even if you are on the edge of death. I don't need you to change."

"If it means I can have you, I will do anything."

"I say you should give it a shot." A voice said. We both looked over and Margo was standing at the door.

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