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(Chloe's POV)

The next day I woke up to find Carter still sleeping in his bed made for a king. I mean the kid didn't go to asleep until 3 in the morning. I decided that I should start breakfast since he was still sleeping. Halfway through making the pancakes, Carter comes peeking into the kitchen.

"Don't be scared. Come in and sit down."

"Are those pancakes?" His eyes lit up when he spotted the plate of pancakes on the counter

"Yes. How many would you like?"

"Do I have a limit?"

"Yes. You can get up to 3."

"So I can't have 3 1/2?"

"Nope." He stood there for awhile deciding if he was going to take the offer

"Fine. I'll take it."

"Good. I also made bacon and eggs. Is that ok?"

"Yes ma'am." When I was done we both sat down and ate in silence. When we were done I took our dishes and washed them. When I turned around, I saw Carter looking out of the window. He was looking at Jade who was playing by herself.

"What are you looking at?" I asked as if I didn't know

"Is that Jade?" He asked

"Yes. Do you want to play with her?"

"What of she doesn't want to play with me?"

"There's only one way to fine out. Go get dressed and go see if she wants to play."

"Ok." He ran to the back and I heard some things moving and then he ran out. I stopped him before he ran out the door.

"Carter, your shirt is on backwards. You don't have to rush."

He looked down and then back up at me. He turned around and went back into the room and when he came out his clothes were on right.

"Ok, I'm ready now."

"I'm going to introduce you to her. Ok?" He shook his head yes and I walked him outside to Jade.

"Hi Ms. Ellison." Chloe said as we approached her

"Hi Jade. I have someone that would like to meet you. This is Carter. Carter this Jade." Jade waves and Carter waves back but in a weird way

"Do you want to play?" Jade asked

"Hey Chloe, what's going on?" Edward said

"Oh, this is Carter. He's a student of mine and he is staying with me for the weekend. He saw Jade and wanted to see if she wanted to play."

"Oh ok. Well hello Carter. I'm Jade's dad. If you need anything we are right next door."

"Ok." Carter said. Jade grabbed his arm and they went to play in the area between our houses.

"If you want, I'll stay outside and watch them while you do what you need to do."

"Thank you, I promise I won't be long " I went in the house and sat at my computer. I didn't have much to. I only had to finish a couple of lesson plans to finish and those were easy.

(Val's POV)

"Your doing good Sargent." Tinkerbell said. I was now able to run up and down some stairs and to tell you the truth, I am wanted to kick her and my physical therapist in the face. It hurt so bad and they both kept telling me that its ok. My rib has healed and most of my scars have cleared too.

When I was done I limped all the way back to my room. I took off my T-shirt attempting to change it considering it was hot as hell. I was busy trying to find another shirt when Tinkerbell walked in.

"Oh, I'm sorry Sargent. I just came by to give you your pills." She said

"Its fine. Thank you." I said taking my pills from her. She just stood there staring at me and I was confused. "Can I help you with something?"

"Um no. I'm sorry, but has anyone ever told you that you have an amazing body?"

I smiled and shook my head. "Yes they have and thank you." She reached over to touch me but I grabbed her hand being carful not to hurt her. "I've told you that I'm taken."

"I'm sorry. This is really unprofessional." She pulled her hand away and quickly walked out. I slipped on a shirt and laid down on my bed. As soon as I was falling asleep someone walked in. It was a Colonel.

"How's it going soldier?"

"I'm doing better than before."

"That's good. So since your doing so good, I'm letting back on the field."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes. Giving you 2 weeks and then I'll let you back on field. You've been over seas for 4 months now and you do have a mission to complete, however this is up to you. If you're not ready just let me know now."

"I'm more than ready sir."

"Ok. See you in 2 weeks." He walked out and I smiled to myself. I was finally able to go back on field.

Hey guys. Well, I have stumbled across some writers block. Like major writers block. I'm not too confident about this chapter but I hope you enjoy is anyways.


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