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(Chloe's POV)

"Are you going to tell me what last nights attitude was about?" I asked Val. She woke up this morning like nothing happened

"I was just frustrated."

"About what?"

"About Carter and the things you said."

"I thought you said that you weren't mad about it."

"Well I lied."

"Baby, I apologize if I said anything that hurt you but you have to see where I'm coming from too "

"And I do. Let's just leave it alone. There's no reason to stay on the subject."

"Okay if that's what you want."

"But guess what?" Val said smiling


"We finally had an argument about something normal. I think we're finally becoming a normal family."

"Moms I have a noodle in my nose!" Carter yelled.

"You spoke too soon." I said getting up and going downstairs

"Carter, how in the world did you do this?"

"Well, I broke my right arm and I'm right handed so when I tried to eat with my left hand it felt funny. I decided to just drink the soup but I tipped the bowl over too much and a noodle slid in my nose."

"Okay well, I'll get some tissue and you can blow it out." I gave him the tissue and he blew his nose.

"Look mama." He waved the tissue in front of my face

"Eww. Go throw that away and wash your hands and make sure you have everything ready so when your Nana gets here you don't have her waiting"

"Yes because we don't need her to have a reason to stay long." Val mumbled. I hit her stomach and laughed

I heard the door bell ring and when I looked out the window it was my father and my mama.

"Val! Your in- laws are here!" I said while I laughed

"Very funny." She said opening the door." My mama almost immediately gave her a hug and didn't want to let go.

"Okay mama. Let my wife go."

"She's just your fiancé."

"Yes but I'm your husband and you don't want me like that." My dad said

"Oh hush. Where is Carter?"

"Up stairs washing his hands. He just had a noddle in his nose."

"What about the twins?'

"Finally taking a nap. They hate taking naps now."

"I'll help you put them in the car." Val said

"Well, I came here to get the boys and to tell you that our appointment for your wedding dress is 3 days after Christmas."

"Don't you think that's cutting it kind of close. I have work to do to get ready for when school comes back after the break."

"Girl hush. We're going. Besides you want Alana and Jesse there and they go back on the 2nd of January so its convenient."

"Fine but until then please leave me alone about the wedding. I have a lot to do. I have to make sure the house is ready and decorated before Val's family gets here and I have to plan everything out."

"Fine fine. I'll be home doing nothing. I can finally have a year off from cooking."

"I do all the cooking on Christmas." My father said

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