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(Val's POV)

I have absolutely nothing to do so I decided to visit Chloe at work. It felt weird walking into the school without my uniform on. Wearing civilian clothes made me feel like a whole new person. I stood in the doorway of her classroom and watched her tell her students about the things they would learn next year and how she would be teaching them the next year as well.

Her back was turned to me and the kids as she wrote on the board so when I walked in I signaled for the kids to be quiet. I took a seat next to a blonde haired boy who I now know is named Nicholas from the name on his desk.

"Does anyone have any questions?" She asked her back still turned

"Yes. When is lunch?" I said. She turned around and just smiled

"What are you doing here?" She asked

"I was bored and just thought I would drop by. Plus, I haven't seen your students in a long time."

"Aww that's sweet." Lucy said. I remember her from the career day event

"Sargent Dexter?!" A voice yelled. I turned around and it was Carter. He ran over to me and hugged me really tight. "You're back and not in uniform." He said sadly

"What's wrong with me being in regular clothes?"

"Doesn't that mean that you stop fighting bad guys?"

"Well yeah, but there are other people out there doing that. Now I can stay home and be safe."

"I guess that's good. Oh and I have to have a talk with you." Carter said. I looked at Chloe and she just shrugged

"What did I do?" He walked over and whispered in my ear

"I know what you and Ms. Ellison were doing in her house." My heart dropped and I was scared.

"What did we do?"

"Y'all were kissing. I was at Ms. Ellison house and I saw your hat there." I sighed in relief

"Umm you know? What you're right. We did kiss."

"Ha! I knew it." He sat down with an accomplished look on his face.

"Can y'all just say it?" Leah said

"Say what?" Chloe asked

"We all know that you two love each other. Why are you trying to hide it from us?"

"Its none of your business." Chloe said

"Oh come on! I think they should know that I think you are the most beautiful woman in the world. Or how I love your blue eyes or maybe even how much I need you in my life." I said. Her face turned red and she turned around to hide her blushing face.

"Aww." I heard a voice say. We all turned around to see Nina and my mood instantly changed.

I stood up and started to say something forgetting where I was but Chloe gave me a look telling me to calm down. "Don't mind me. I'm just here to pick up my niece. Come on Layah." A little girl with pigtails got up and walked over to her.

"See you tomorrow Layah." Chloe said. I don't know how she was so calm. I wanted to kick her ass. "Ok class its almost time for lunch. I need everyone to go get your lunch boxes if you brought lunch from home. The rest of you line up."

Her students did as she said and we all walked to the lunchroom. The kids with home lunch sat down and the rest with through the lunch line. Meanwhile, Chloe pulled me to the side to talk

"Val, you almost slipped up back there."

"I know, but it caught me off guard."

"I understand, however when you're around children you have to learn how to not react to certain situations. I'm glad you didn't explode in front of the kids but I need you to be careful."

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