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(Val's POV)

I was asleep when I felt something heavy on me. I opened my eyes to see Chloe straddling my waist. Her blue eyes were darker than usual and her long blonde hair was covering part of her face. I knew what she wanted

"Chloe, we are in my parents house and its 4 am." I knew David and Kristen was sleeping in the other guest room upstairs.

"Then I guess you'll have to be quiet." She started kissing me and I had no choice but to give in. I grabbed her ass as her lips moved from my lips to my neck. A quiet moan escaped her lips sending chills over my body. Lord knows I love the sounds she makes.

She sucked on my neck giving me hickies and making me extremely wet. She made her way down my torso licking me and kissing me along the way. She took off my pants and boxers and started licking on my thighs. Chloe stopped and blew a cold breeze on my clit making me shiver and letting a moan escape my mouth.

"Chloe I swear if you don't stop teasing me-" I started to say but I was caught in my words when she made contact with my core. She licked and sucked on my clit. My body began to shake and I tried to keep quiet. She shoved 2 fingers in me and I bit my lip trying not to make a loud noise

"Oh come on soldier, don't tell me you can't take a little pressure." Chloe said seductively

I looked down and she had a devilish smile on her face. My eyes rolled in the back of my head as she buried her face between my legs once again. "Aah fuck." I said grabbing my pillow

"Shh." Chloe said. She increased her speed and my back arched as I reached my climax leaving my body shivering.

She came back up to my lips and kissed me allowing me to taste myself. I slid my hand under her shirt but she stopped me.

"Not this time. I just had a late night well, early morning craving." She said.

"What? That's not fair." She just shrugged and got off of me. She walked into the bathroom and when she came out, she just laid down and fell asleep. As you might guess I was disappointed.

When I finally got up I was greeted by the smell of bacon. I got up to see Kristen and Chloe in the kitchen while David slept on the couch.

"Good morning." I said

"Good morning honey." Chloe said kissing me

"Good morning Val." Kristen said. She was always nice to me. I wonder my mom didn't like her or Christina.

"I thought you two slept in the den. Why is David on the couch."

"Let's just say its been awhile since we haven't had DJ with us. Since we had to stay here with you guys we took advantage. By the looks of it so did you." Kristen pointed at my neck

Chloe turned around to hide her red face. A very sleepy David joined us in the kitchen.

"Hey everyone." He said

"Good morning." We all said

"You look a little tired." I said laughing

"Shut up." He said pushing me

"Ok you two. Quit it, we have to hurry and eat so we can go." Kristen said

"Where are we going?" I asked

"To celebrate your engagement. We've be been planning this for a long time." David said

"What if I would have said no?" Chloe said

"We knew you wouldn't." David said

After we finished breakfast, they told us to hurry to and get ready because we had some things to do. I reminded them that I promised Jenna that I would come see her.

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