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(Val's POV)

The next morning I woke up relieved. I knew Chloe was safe and I somewhat fixed our problem. I still haven't seen Olivia and I wasn't sure what I would do or say when I did.

When I woke up I was in bed by myself. I rolled out of bed and got to the ground and did a set of push ups, something I try to do every morning.

"Good morning." I heard Chloe say from the door way

"Good morning beautiful." I said in between push ups

"What are you doing soldier?"

"Push ups. I do them almost every morning." I said standing up

"And why is that?"

"So can do things like this." I picked her up and kissed her and then put her back down gently

"You're strong." Chloe said poking my arm

"I'm also hungry."

"You know where the kitchen is." She said pointing to the door

Chloe walked out and I followed her into the kitchen.

"Did you sleep well?" She asked me

"Yes. In fact I slept like a baby."

"Good, so now you have all the energy in the world to cook breakfast." Chloe said sitting on the counter

"What? Why should I do it?"

"Because I did it last time."

"And you almost burned the house down."

"I'm still blaming it on you."

"I don't recall that being true." I walked over to her and stood between her legs

"I want eggs, bacon, and toast please."

"And I want you, but we can't always have what we want." She laughed and grabbed my face pulling it up to hers. Our kiss quickly turned into a make out session but was interrupted by someone coming in the house.

"Well, what do we have here?" A woman said as she walked into the kitchen

"God I need to change my locks." Chloe said sliding off the counter

"Are you going to cook breakfast or are you two just going to eat each other?" The woman said

"Mama! Why are you here?" Chloe said approaching her

"I just came to stop by to get some breakfast but you're way ahead of me huh?" Chloe's mom said eyeing me

"You are so annoying." Chloe said

"That's no way to talk to your mother. Now introduce me to your friend."

Chloe and her mother walked over to me and I caught chills. Chloe's mother kept giving me weird looks.

"Valentine this is my mama. Mama is is Valentine."

"It's nice to meet you Mrs. Ellison." I said shaking her hand

"Oh no, call me Helen and the pleasure is all mine. The military is really paying off. You have nice abs." I looked down and noticed that I only had on a sports bra and sweatpants and instantly felt awkward.

"Umm thanks. I think I need to go put a shirt on. I'll be right back." I was leaving out of the kitchen but Helen grabbed me

"No, its ok. You don't have to put a shirt on. You're in the house." She slid her hand down my stomach. I grabbed her hand just before she reached the waist of my pants.

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