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(Val's POV)

I remember how it happened. The war had started and I was hiding. 8 and a couple others were less than 10 feet away from me and bullets were flying but this was not the time to bitch out. I stood up to shoot back and out the corner of my eye, I saw 8 take some shots. I froze like a dumbass. God, that was a stupid move. I got distracted and next thing I knew I was on the floor with a bullet in my leg. Little did I know someone was behind me. Before they could pull the trigger, someone shot them. I looked over and it was 8.

"Go soldier!" He yelled

"I'm not leaving you!"

"Don't be stupid Dexter! My time is up! You have a pretty lady waiting on you to come home and I know you wouldn't want to let your little Bumblebee down. Just make sure to wear something nice to my funeral."

Those were his last words to me. To anyone in fact.

I didn't have time to react. I had to get to another spot. I crawled as far as I could with my gun in my hand. Then there was a loud sound and everything went black.

I woke up with in the hospital. My vision was blurry but I could see a woman.

"Hello Sargent. Good to see you awake."

"Where am I? Where's 8? How long have I been out?" I tried sitting up but a sharp pain shot through my side

"Sargent please stop moving. You were hurt really bad."

"Where's 8?"

"Who's 8?"

"Johnson. Where's Johnson?"

"I'm sorry. He's dead." Then it all came back to me. He saved my life while his was ending. In the middle of my thoughts Colonel came in.

"Glad to see you're ok. You and a couple others got hurt pretty badly. We contacted your family and told them what's going on."

"How long have I been out?"

"3 days. Thought you weren't going to make it."

"When can I get back on the field?"

"Slow down. You don't need to do anything. If you don't heal we will send you back to the states."

"Bullshit! I have a mission to finish."

"You are hurt! You can either go out there as a wounded soldier and die or recover."

"The military doesn't care about us dying. I had to write my will at 18. I bet you don't care about Johnson."

"Your right. The military doesn't give a damn but I'm pretty sure your family does! You're so mad about your fellow soldier that you're not thinking about everyone else."

He walked out before I could say anything else. I hate to admit it but he was right. That night I went to sleep and fell right into a nightmare.

I was at a funeral. No one was there but the military as usual. I looked in the casket to see 8. He looked peaceful. I heard crying and turned around. It was Sara.

"What's wrong Bumblebee?" I asked kneeling beside her. She walked right pass me. I looked up to see my brothers and parents dressed in black along side Jenna who was holding a baby. Chloe was crying by herself telling herself its her fault for taking a chance with a soldier. I was confused. Why was everyone at 8's funeral. I looked at the casket again to see me lifeless. It was my funeral.

"Baby I'm right here don't cry." I said trying to comfort Chloe. She just walked past me and went over to my mother.

I jumped out of my sleep out of breath and sweating. Going out there would be a huge mistake. I can't do that to them. I need them just as much as they need me.

(Chloe's POV)

I was a little late to work this morning. When I got there the substitute left and I sat at my desk. I finished some things while they finished a little worksheet the substitute gave them. I looked up to see Carter with sunglasses on.

I wasn't going to say anything until I saw the cut on his lip.

"Carter." I said getting his attention


"Can I talk to you outside?"

"Ok." He walked in my direction

"Class, I'm right outside the door. Don't get out of your seats." I walked outside with Carter. He just stood there looking confused

"Am I in trouble? I didn't mean to put Katie's hair in the pencil sharpener."

"No. Wait what? When did this happen? Never mind. I just wanted to know why you have on sunglasses."

"I love sunglasses." He said more like a question

"What's going on? You've been acting different since you moved in with your new foster family."

"Nothing. I'm fine." He tried to walk back in class but I stopped him and took off his glasses. He had a black eye.

"Carter, what happened to you?"

"I uhh fell."

"Did you fall on someone's fist?"

"Please don't say anything." He begged.

"Is somebody bullying you?" He shook his head no and now I was confused

"Then who did this?"

"My new foster dad. He hit me because I told him not to hit my foster mom."

"I'm calling child services."

"No! I just got a new family. I don't want to go back."

"I understand but something has to give. You can't live like this. He needs to go to jail. He will go away and you can stay with your foster mom."

"But what if he hurts you?"

"Don't worry. Nobody's going to hurt me."

"Because Sargent Dexter is going to protect you right?"

"Actually she's out protecting the country."

"She's shooting bad guys?"

"I'm guessing she is. Now let's get back inside." I walked him back in and he say down. I'm guessing Leah already knew because as soon as he sat down she rushed over to hug him. They were just the cutest.

When school was over I had Carter stay after school with me while I talked to a social worker. The police was brought to their house and Mr. Jets was escorted to jail. Carter stayed with Mrs. Jets and I was relieved. I could tell Mrs. Jets was too but there was something else bothering her. I just couldn't figure it out.

I went home at around 7 and took a shower. I ate some leftover spaghetti front the night before and was well on my way to sleep when I got a phone call from Mrs. Dexter.

"Hello." I answered

"Chloe, I'm sorry to wake at this hour but its important."

"No, its fine. What's wrong?"

"I got a call from Val's unit. She's been injured." I sat up in bed trying to comprehend.

"Is she.... you know going to be ok?"

"They said she should recover. If not they'll send her back to the states. I just thought you needed to know."

"I understand. Thank you for calling me. I really appreciate it."

"No problem dear. Now get some sleep. I know you have children to teach in the morning."

"Ok goodnight Mrs. Dexter."

"Goodnight." She hung up and I just laid there. How was I supposed to go to sleep now. I looked at my clock and it was midnight.

"Come on Val. I know your stronger than this."

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