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(Val's POV)

So once again my family has arranged a visit to come to Texas along with Jenna, Kevin, Valerie, and bumblebee. This time everyone is coming to meet the twins and Carter to give them a big New York welcome in Texas. Chloe's family said they would like to visit New York next time instead of my family coming here.

As of today it is two days after Carter's birthday and Carter's official adoption day and he's excited. So excited that he's up at 6 am.

"Mom mom mom mom mom mom mom mom." He whispered while repeatedly tapping me

"Yes Carter." I said with my eyes still closed

"Guess what?"


"Its my adoption day."

"Really? It's today? I had no idea even though you've been talking about it all week."

"Yeah it is."

"You know you have two moms right? Why don't you ever wake your mama up?"

"She needs her rest."

"What about me?"

"You can handle it soldier. Also, I think we should make breakfast for us. We can wake mama up when breakfast is ready."

"When did you start giving orders?"

"It's my special day."

"You know what? You're right. Come on and let's go downstairs. Make sure not to wake the twins."

"Ok." He took me by the hand and dragged me downstairs into the kitchen.

I'm guessing he already had the idea that we should make breakfast because everything was already laid out on the counter.

"So I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that you had this all planned out."

"Yup." He said with a big smile

"Ok let's get started." He smiled and grabbed a chair so he can get a better view of the counter.

"You know since I'm eight years old now I should be able to make the pancakes."

"How about you mix the batter and I do the cooking. Maybe in a couple years you can cook on the stove but for now I don't need you burning yourself."

"I promise I won't burn myself." I stood there and looked at him as he looked at me with his big green eyes.

"Fine, but you can't do anything until I tell you to. Ok?"

"Ok." He said doing a little dance

It wasn't long before Chloe came downstairs.

"How come no one woke me up so I can help?"

"I asked the same thing." I said looking over at Carter

"Guess what mama."


"Its my adoption day."

"I know. You've been talking about it and writing it on sticky notes and putting them all over the house."

"I'm so excited. I've never been adopted before. I finally have a family and we're going to be together forever and ever and I'll be a older brother and have grandma's and grandpas and uncles and aunts." He said it all in one breath so by the time he was done he was trying to catch his breath

"Yes you will have a whole new family and we are excited for you. On the other hand, while you two finish breakfast, I'll make the babies bottles and feed them."

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