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(Val's POV)

Briana was taken away to the hospital and Nick called her parents so that they could be with her. As much as we didn't want to go, we know that we had a trip to Cuba coming up. Nick didn't have much but really didn't need it anyway for me on the other hand I needed to make it to Chloe and explain everything.

When I got to her parents house she was sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee. I really couldn't read her thoughts but she was unusually calm and I was scared.

"Hey sweetheart." I said walking up to her.

"When are you leaving?" She didn't even look my way.

"Uh tomorrow. Listen I-"

"Don't. Just don't. I'm not the person you need to talk to. Go talk to Carter." She still didn't look my way. I know she is hurt but I didn't do this. I had no idea but I knew she didn't want to hear it.

I walked into one of the guest room to find Carter playing a game on his tablet.

"Hey Kiddo." I said sitting next to him

"Hi mom. Why are we at grandma and grandpa house."

"Well, there are bad guys in the world and-"

"Mom don't sugar coat it. Yeah I'm eight but I would like to know what's really going on." He's too smart for his age

"Some people are trying to kill me and they were in the house. So, you guys have to stay here."

"You're leaving aren't you?"

"Yeah. I need you to hold down the fort while I'm gone."

"Ok. Mama says she isn't mad but I know she is. She looks sad. What do I do?"

"Hug her. Make sure she knows everything is ok."

"I thought you're supposed to go that."

"Yeah she doesn't want to hear it from me."

"Where are you going?"


"Do you speak Cuban?"

"Most speak Spanish and yes I can speak spanish. You're mom speaks 6 languages."

"You're a superhero mom. You're strong and can speak all kinds if languages and stuff. Plus you make great pancakes and you're really smart. I want to be like you."

"No you don't. You want to be like Carter because literally there's is no one like you. As for the superhero thing, yeah I'm cool but your mama is the strong one. She's the really smart and cool one. She just can't make pancakes like me." He laughed and then he hugged me. It was the same hug that my mom gave me during my first deployment. It was a "I may never see you again" hug and I didn't like it. It made me sick to my stomach.

"I love you mom."

"I love you too. Now I have to go and get my things ready."

"When will you come back?"

"I don't know." I walked out and went into the living room where the twins were. They were attempting to crawl and it was the cutest thing ever. After while they both gave up and just laid there chewing on thier hand. Cara and Mathew laid on either side of them as they watched TV. I turned to notice Chloe was no longer in the kitchen.

I wanted to talk to her before I left even though she didn't want to. I was walking past the bathroom. When I heard crying. I knew it was Chloe and I felt so bad. I didn't know if I should knock on the door or just walk in. I didn't think I should say anything to her at all.

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