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(Val's POV)

"Get up." I said hitting Nick with a pillow

"For what?'

"Its time to go." He looked up at me and then at the clock

"The hell are you doing up at 4:30? Its dark as hell outside. The sky is asleep so I'm asleep." He turned over and pulled the covers over his head

"I will shoot you in your ass if you don't get up."

"No you won't. This is a hotel and they will hear you."

"I have a silencer on my gun. Do you really want to try this?"

"Ugh! Fine." He got up and went into the bathroom. He got his toothbrush and towel on the way.

"You really think we have time for that?"

"Didn't you wash?"

"Yeah but I was up early enough. You better make it quick."

He rolled his eyes and walked into the bathroom. Ten minutes later he was out and ready.

"So we have to meet Margo at some place. I don't know what the place is exactly she just gave me an address and said to go there." I said

"You don't know where we're going but you'll just- never mind let's go."

The car ride there was pretty silent until Nick broke the silence.

"You know, you've told me about your while relationship with Chloe. You have to stop this Sooner or later or your relationship won't be able to last any longer. God forbid somebody can die."

"You think I want to be here right now? I stopped. I stopped missions and I stopped getting shot at for my family. I was honorably discharged, got off of the field and I took the desk job and I still end up in trouble. I swear I'm just as confused as you on why this is happening. I know my family can't keep going through this but what do you want me to do? I have no control over this one. I was targeted. I don't know what to do. I don't want to risk what I have but when what I have is targeted then that's when I have to do what I have to do. Don't try to give me a fucking speech when you don't know what I'm going through. I'm trying. I'm really trying to hold everything togther and just when I thought things were good here I am going on another adventure."

He didn't say anything for the rest of the ride. I'm not sure if it was what I said it if he just didn't want to go back and forth.

We met Margo at this place on the other side of town. It looked abandoned. She was there with a man and a car gaurded with like seven guys who were heavily armed.

"Who were expecting? The president?" I asked

"Very funny but we don't need to lose you before you actually get to Cuba so I got some security. I have a couple other trucks and cars around here. This vehicle will take you to a air port and a jet will take you to where you need to be." Margo said

"And what about my family?"

"Already on it. People are on stand by at the hospital as well. This is Mr. Mark Summers. He is the man who help put all of this together. He has the plans and locations of what is happening and before you say anything you can not do everything by yourself Dexter so don't say you already know what's going on. Learn teamwork."

"How did you know?"

"I have a PhD in psychology and sociology. I observe and remember and try to get in your head. I know everything."

"Where I come from that called voodoo magic." Nick said

"Ok, its time for us to get a move on things. We need to be to the jet in an hour." Mr. Summers said

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