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(Chloe's POV)

Val had been busy for the last 2 weeks trying to help Nina and as great as that is, its starting to take a toll on me. After work my mom drops them off and I have them for the rest of the day. On the weekends I have them all day and Val is away. The good thing is they've gotten eyes on Olivia and she's safe they still don't know why she's there and honestly I don't care. All i cared about was her safety now I would just like my fiancé back. On the other hand we've finally gotten enough money and credit to move and after we move we can work on adopting Carter. He's so excited and so is Val. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Val came in.

"Hi sweetheart." She said before kissing me

"Hey. You're home really early."

"Yeah I know. I've noticed that I've been gone a lot lately and I need to make it up to you. So I'm giving you an hour and a half for you to get ready. Calvin said he'll watch the twins for the night and bring them back in the morning."

"Where are we going?"

"You ask too many questions." I raised my eyebrow in confusion but I just shook my head and let it go. In about 30 minutes Calvin was here with his wife Tiffany. She's nice and all its just that she's had more plastic surgery done than all of the Kardashian's put together. She also wears a ton of make-up but if my brother is happy so am I.

"They are the cutest." She said picking Joshua up. I'm guessing he doesn't like her very much because he starting crying until she put him down again.

"He just has to get used to you." I said trying to make an excuse.

"Just wait until she takes off her makeup." Val whispered

"Shut up." I said trying not to laugh.

"Is this everything?" Calvin asked

"Yeah. If you need anything at all just call us." I said handing him te baby bag

"I'm sure we'll be fine." Tiffany said. Val and I just look at each other.

"Ok then I guess we're out of here." Calvin gave the bag to Tiffany and carried the twins in their car seats. We watched them ride off and I looked at Val

"What?" She asked

"I only trust my mama with my babies. They don't even have kids."

"Its going to be ok. Now finish getting dressed so we can go." Val pushed me into the room

When I was done we got into the car and drove off. Val wouldn't tell me where we were going and I was anxious.

"So you're not going to tell me where you're taking me."


"But I want to know."

"I understand but its a surprise."

"Can you give me a hint?"

"Its somewhere you've always wanted to go."

"I told you I want to go a lot of places."

"You asked for a hint and you got it."

After about 5 minutes we arrived to a new restaurant named Hudson's. Its really expensive and I wasn't sure if I wanted Val to pay for it

"Val I really appreciate this but its expens-"

"Don't. You deserve it. You've been working and taking care of the kids and I know you want me around more. So this is my 'thank you' for being so patient and understanding. I love you and you need time away from children."

"I love you too and I guess you're right." I kissed her and we went into the restaurant. We were seated and as we looked over the menu I see my cousin Vera. I don't know if y'all remember but I told y'all that my ex boyfriend broke up with me for her and moved to Canada with their three dogs. Not only do I see her but I see Clark and they start walking towards us.

"Oh my god." I said

"Sweetheart what's wrong?"

"Do you remember I told you about how my cousin stole my ex boyfriend away from me."

"Yeah. Why?"

"Well they're here and walking over here." Val looked back and laughed

"What's funny?'

"He does look like Superman."

"Oh shut up."

"Hi little cousin." Vera said as she approached our table

"Hi Vera."

"Who is this? She looks too good to be your date." Vera said

"Yeah, did you feel sorry for her?" Clark asked.

"Excuse me?" Val asked

"You can't possibly convince me that you actually wanted her. Look at her. She dull and boring. I bet she's still a teacher running after snotty nose children."

And this ladies and gentlemen, is when Valentine lost it. I mean like all of it

"Who are you to even ask that? You're nothing but a Hollywood wannabe with a fake tan and no brain." She was surprisingly calmer than I thought she would be but I was still scared for Clark's life. "Clark you better be lucky we're in public because I want to kick your ass for the way you treated Chloe when you were together. How dare you ask me if I wanted her. You're damn right I did. She's beautiful and smart and makes the best peach cobbler I have ever had in my life. Vera she is your family and you should be on her side but because you are using him for his money, you feel like you're better than everyone. Not only am I with her but she is my fiance and love of my life. Something you'll never be to Clark because he's too busy looking at other women. Oh yeah I saw you looking at her. Also, you are fucking stupid to ever let Chloe go for someone who just wants your money. You basically dropped a diamond and picked up a rock. Now the best thing for the both of you to do is leave. If I was the same person I was before I met Chloe I would have kicked your ass by now."

I just sat there. There nothing for me to say or do. Vera and Clark just walked away and Val went back to looking at her menu.



"Umm thank you."


"For....nevermind." I knew she would just say that it's what she was supposed to do.

"The Parmesan chicken looks nice." Val said. I just kind of just laughed a little. "What?"

"You just want back to the menu like nothing happened."

"I'm not letting anything ruin this. Now, what do you want to eat?"

"I think I would like to try stuffed ravioli." We ordered our food and talked and laughed and I found myself having the same feeling I had on the night we had our friendly pizza date. Val looked so relaxed and happy and I was fully convinced that she needed this night more than I did.

After dinner we drove around a bit and then we went home. We both took showers and went to sleep. Well not before I thanked Val for a wonderful night.

Sorry for such a long wait. I've been kind of busy and I know this isn't the most exciting chapter but its just a filler. I hope you guys enjoy.

- M

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