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(Carter's POV)

"Its time to eat." Mrs. Kempfer said making everyone run into the kitchen. She bought pizza and that means the fastest got pizza. I jumped down from my bunk bed and was pushed down by the bigger kids who were running out of the room.

By the time I got there the pizza was gone and no one seemed to care. Not even Mrs. Kempfer

"I didn't get pizza Mrs. Kempfer."

"What does that have to do with me? You should gave been here first."

"That's not fair."

"Life isn't fair now beat it." She shoved me out the door. I saw a whole box of pizza on her desk. I went to bed hungry that night. It was the third time this week and it's Thursday.

"I can't wait until I'm adopted." I said climbing onto my bed

"Shut up. They'll bring you back. You're a worthless little punk." One of the older boys said. His name is Seth and he's twelve or thirteen. He's been here since he was a baby and I guess that's why he's always mad.

"No they're not. They love me. You're just mad because you couldn't find parents." He ran towards me but I jumped off of my bed and ran down the hallway and right into Mrs. Kempfer. "Uh oh."

"Uh oh is right. Why are you running through the hallway when its time for bed?"

"Seth was chasing me."

"What did you do to him?"

"Nothing he started with me."

"He told me that nobody wants me." He started fake crying. I thought big kids didn't do that stuff

"That's it. Go stand in the corner until I tell you to move."

"But he's faking."

"Now!" She yelled at me and I walked over to the corner I always stand in. I don't cry anymore. I just wait until she falls asleep watching cooking shows and then I sneak back into my bed. I wish I was a big kid so I can beat Seth up. I only had one friend here but he got adopted and moved to that place where all the famous people live and drink coffee that cost too much. At least that's what he said in the letter he sent me.

I never tell my new parents what goes on here because when I leave I don't want to remember this mean place. I don't care what anybody says, I'm going to stay with them forever and ever.

(Chloe's POV)

Lately I've been noticing that Carter's been falling asleep in class and we all know that's unusual. He's been drowsy and pale and I'm getting really worried that he's sick or something.

I didn't talk to him until lunch time when I saw him stuffing the schools pizza and fruit into his pockets.

"Carter, do you want to tell me what's going on?"



"You asked me if I wanted to tell you and my answer was no. I don't want to tell you because I don't want y'all to make a big deal."

"Carter if something is going on in your foster home you need to tell me."

"What's going on?" Val asked as she approached us. She came to bring me my lunch. "Woah, buddy you don't look so good."

"I'm fine. Really." He kind of stood there rocking back and forth before falling back. Luckly Val was there to catch him.

All of the kids started panicking and I'm not going to lie I kind of freaked out too. The only calm one was the nurse and Val. The ambulance was called and he was taken to the hospital. Val went with him and for the rest of the school day I was worried. Leah didn't say much which told me she was worried too. When school was let out I called Val and she told me what room they were in.

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