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(Chloe's POV)

When I got home I was both frustrated and tired. I love my parents, I really do but they are out of control. Especially by mother. I had just just gotten out of the shower when my phone started to ring. It was Val.

"Hello." I answered

"Hey sweetheart." I instantly got butterflies in my stomach.

"Hey Val. What's going on?"

"Nothing. I did tell you I would call you when I can."

"Oh yeah. I totally forgot."

"So how was your day?"

"You know how the first half went, however, I went to my parents house and got interrogated." 

"Why did they interrogate you?"

"Because someone, left hickies on my neck." I heard her chuckle. She knew what she did. "Its not funny. I should kick your ass."

"Ok ok. I'm sorry, but I couldn't help myself. What did they ask you?"

"You don't want to know. Anyway how was your day."

"My day was ok. Nothing really happened after I left your house."

"Ok. Well its getting late and I'm tired. I'll call you tomorrow."

"Ok. Goodnight sweetheart." I hung up the phone and got in my bed. A couple of minutes later I was fast asleep.

(Val's POV)

After getting off the phone, I tried my hardest to go to sleep. I couldn't so my only alternative was to go for a run. Halfway down the street I see Olivia. Its like she knows when I go for a run or something. As soon as I saw her I made a U-turn and went the opposite direction.

"Val, wait!" Olivia said running after me. I was only jogging so she caught up with me pretty fast.

"Olive what do you want? I don't need any more trouble between me and Nina."

"Valentine I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for ignoring you all of these years. I picked Nina over you and it was a big mistake. I didn't see how good of a person you are in high school."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I want to be with you Val." I just looked at her. Wondering if she had lost her mind .

"Are you fucking serious?! I wanted you all these years and now because the person you thought was perfect turned out to be a dickhead, you want me. I'm not going to be somebody's second choice!"

"Why are you being like this?! I thought you wanted me!"

"I did, but I've found someone who saw how great I am the first go around!"

"I can't believe this. You've wanted me all this time and now you're just going to just throw your chance away!"

"You can not be serious! I wanted you Olivia. I didn't need you. Don't get them confused!" It was then that I realized we were standing outside yelling at each other at almost 10 at night in front of an old lady's house.

"You're going to regret this Val. There's no one better than me and you know it."

"I've found someone better than you."

"So you're with God now?" You have no idea how hard it was for me to not punch her in the face. Like, did she really just say that?

"You're so full of yourself. I can't believe I wanted you. I don't know how I didn't see how much of a bitch you are before."

"Fuck you!" She yelled and then stormed off in the opposite direction.

Unfortunately, being the person I am, I felt bad afterwards. Maybe I shouldn't have yelled at her. Maybe I should call her and apologize. I just ran home and went to bed. I'm really convinced that's its not meant for me to go running around here.

*The next morning*

I woke up the next morning to the sound of my phone ringing. I rolled over and reached out for my phone with my eyes still closed trying to feel for it. When I finally got a hold of it I answered it and of course its my mother.

"So you move to Texas and forget about your mother?"

"Ma, its 6 am. Can you call me in 3 hours and yell at me?" I groaned

"You see, this is what I'm talking about. You act like you don't have time for your own mother!"

"Ugh! Ma, I work. I don't have time for myself sometimes. Once again its 6 am. Why are you up?"

I heard some noises and then an another voice.

"Hi honey." My dad said

"Hey dad. Why is mom being crazy early in the morning?"

"She really misses you."

"I know she does and i miss you guys too. Dad, don't tell anyone but I'll be back for thanksgiving."

"Ok. Your secret is safe with me." I could hear my mother in the background asking my dad what the secret was. "Ok kiddo, I'm going to let you go back to sleep now."

"Ok." We hung up and I slowly drifted off to sleep.

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