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(Chloe's POV)

It is the last day of school and its bittersweet. I'm going to see them next year but I will miss them. Its almost time to go home and everyone is cleaning up and Carter is nowhere in sight.

"Leah, have you seen Carter?" I asked

"He was playing with Tyler but I don't know where he is."

I walked over to Tyler who was busy eating jelly beans to notice me coming.

"Tyler, do you know where Carter is?"

"He walked out. I think he's standing by the door." A few pieces of jelly beans flew out of his mouth. I walked to the door to see Carter sitting on the floor.

"Carter why are you out here?"

"Its almost time to go." He said sniffling. He had been crying.

"I know that. That still doesn't tell me why you're out here."

"Because when the bell rings I don't want to say goodbye to you. So I was going to just leave."

"Why wouldn't you want to say goodbye to me?"

"I'm going to miss you. You're my favorite teacher in the whole widest world."

"Carter, you're going to see me again. I promise. Matter of fact, before I leave I will pick you up and we will spend the whole day together."

"Really? Will Sargent Dexter be there too?"

"I will see if she wants to come too." He jumped up and hugged me almost knocking me over

"I love you Ms. Ellison."

"I love you too. Now let's go inside." I grabbed his hand and we both walked back in the classroom.

When it was actually time to go I said goodbye, well I said see you later to my students. Valentine has burned that into my brain. She hates for me to say goodbye. Before getting into his car, Carter hugged me and told me I smelled like vanilla. I laughed and helped him in the car and told his mom about our day out.

When I pulled in my driveway Jade was sitting in front of my door.

"Hi Jade. What's wrong?" I said approaching her

"My daddies are yelling. So I came outside to see if you were home. Nobody answered so I just sat here."

"Ok well let's get inside." I opened my door and we both went in. I had her sit in the kitchen while I got her milk and cookies. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah. Its not the first time. My daddies never used to yell at each other."

"Well sometimes people disagree which makes them yell at each other."

"That's what my papa said. He also said that my daddy was just going through some stuff at work."

"Everything will be ok." She smiled at me and continued to eat her cookies. I heard the door open and it was Val.

"Hi sweetheart." She kissed me and then froze when she saw Jade. "Who's kid?"

"My next door neighbor's. Her name is Jade."

"Hello Jade. I see you're eating cookies. My favorite chocolate chip cookies."

"Valentine be nice. I only gave her three. Come with me." I pulled her to my room and closed the door. "Her dads are fighting."

"Like boxing fighting or like arguing fighting that results in make up sex later on?"

"Stupid, they are arguing and I don't think sex is the outcome."

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