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Val has been to my classroom a lot more lately. I still have no idea what's going on but whatever it is my students are involved.

Right now we're packing our things so that we can move out of our apartment and into our new house and guess who wanted to help.

"Where does this box go?" Carter asked. The box was way bigger than him so all you could see was his legs.

"Just put it by the baby's room and get one of the marks and write 'baby stuff' on it."

"Ok." He turned around almost losing his balance.

I had finished packing a box when Carter came back and sat on one of the boxes in front of me.

"Are you ok?" I asked

"Yeah. I just have a question."

"What is it?"

"When y'all adopt me, what do I call y'all."

"Umm you can call me whatever you want."

"No like do I call you Mama or Ms. Mommy. Its confusing because you're my teacher."

"Well if you call her Ms. Mommy you can call me Sergeant Mom. That sounds cool."

"Hmm. Meet my parents. Ms. Mommy and Sergeant Mom."

We all laughed but it stopped when one of the twins started crying.

"I got it." Carter said running to the baby's room

"I'll go with him." Val said

When they came back Carter was holding Joshua.

"I'll be the best big brother ever."

"Yeah you sure will." Val said

"Just be careful. I know you want to help but anything can happen and I don't want-"

"Relax, he has this." Val said

"Yeah I have this. Well, I'll have it even better when someone changes him." Carter passed Joshua to Val and she went to change him. When Val came back we went back to work

"Can I help tomorrow too? Its Saturday and there's no school."

"Sure and I can get those maple bacon donuts you like." Val said

"Eww." I said

"They are the best things in the world." Carter said

"That's what you said about those cinnamon rolls from Casey's Bakery."

"That was before I ate the donuts." I laughed and shook my head.

Pretty soon my phone rang and it was Mrs. Kempfer. She was downstairs waiting on Carter.

"Carter, Mrs. Kempfer is outside waiting on you."

"Ok." He ran to Val and gave her a hug and ran to the back and I'm guessing he said goodbye to the twins.

I walked him downstairs to the car. He hugged me before he got into the backseat which was cluttered with papers.

"Hello Mrs. Kempfer." I said

"Hi darling."

"I'm going to be picking Carter up tomorrow. He's going to help us move into our new house."

"That's good. I don't care what you do with him as long as he's out of my way."

"Excuse me?"

"Admit it. He's annoying and a pain in the ass. I'm giving you a month maybe two tops before you send him back. He's childish and isn't serious about his future. Do you really want an energetic ball of red hair running around your house?"

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