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(Chloe's POV)

I has just finished feeding the boys and I was sitting in my room watching Val get dressed for work. Ok, I'm not going to lie it has been awhile since I've had alone time with Val. With the twins and her job and mine about to start again, we are always busy and I have to say that I'm extremely sexually frustrated. Every morning when Val kisses me and leaves I really just want to grab her and strip her where she stands but unfortunately I can't.

"Chloe?" Val said snapping me out of my daze


"I was talking to you. Are you ok?" She was standing there with no shirt on and she just looked amazing. Of course I'm not ok. I want to attack you.

"Yeah I'm fine. What was your question?" I said lying

"I asked if you saw my shirt. I thought I hung it up last night."

"No I haven't seen it." And I was hoping she couldn't find it either. I found myself staring at my fiancé once again

"If you take a picture it'll last longer." She said laughing

"I can't help it. You are so sexy and I'm really suffering from sexual frustration."

"Well why didn't you tell me that before?" Val walked over to where I was sitting and stood between my legs. She pushed me back and laid me down on the bed and took my clothes off

"Won't you be late for work?"

"Shh. Don't worry about me. All that matters is that when I leave your legs are still trembling and our bed is soaked." This woman and her words alone are enough send me over the edge.

Before I could say anything her face was buried between my legs. My eyes rolled in the back of my head as she wasted no time reaching my spot. Moans escaped my lips as I tried to hold them back but Val definitely has a gift. "Fuck." I said as she slid 2 fingers in me. My legs started to shake and I knew I was close.

"Val im-"

"I already know." She said with a smile. Within seconds I had reached my climax. She licked her fingers and then kissed me allowing me to taste myself.

"Satisfied?" She asked flashing her signature smile. I wasn't stable enough to say yes so I just nodded my head. She chuckled and kissed my forehead before she continued to get ready for work.

When I finally got myself together I walked Val to the door and kissed her goodbye. She grabbed me and deepened the kiss earning a moan from me

"You better quit before you don't make it to work at all." I said pushing her out the door.

(Val's POV)

"Yes! I finally did it!" I yelled as I jumped up from my computer

"You did what?" Nick asked

"I crack the codes."


"And it says that they are planning to move into the U.S. and they are working with Japan to export weapons and...... Women."

"Women? Like sex trafficking?"

"I guess so. Get Margo on the line please." Margo is my boss and a close friend of Nick."

"What do you have for me?" She asked

"Weapons and sex trafficking from Saudi Arabia to the U.S. with help from the Japanese."

"I thought those two countries hated each other." Nick said

"Well, they are close now. Nick tracked down the vehicle and the driver. There was nothing inside but he was still affiliated with whatever is going on."

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