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(Chloe's POV)

Its been a week since Cara has actually held a conversation with me. I wanted ask Val what to do but I kind of wanted to talk to her myself.

"Cara can we talk?" I asked. She was standing in the kitchen eating ice cream

"Don't sorry I'll be out of here tomorrow. The house is fixed and we can start getting our things togther today."

"It's not about that. It's about you not talking to me."

"Yeah I'm not talking to you. You and Val ganged up on me."

"That wasn't our intentions. I just need you to watch after Mathew. He's always getting into something."

"I guess you're right. I'm sorry I reacted the way I did."

"It's okay and I'm sorry I came at you like that. Can I get a hug?" I reached my arms out and waited for her to hug me.

"Sure why not." She walked over to me and hugged me tight.

"Now isn't that nice." I heard Val say

"Oh shut up." Cara said. I laughed and walked over to Val.

"So, I see you two have worked things out."

"Yup. However she's leaving tomorrow."

"Really?!" Val tried not to sound too excited. " I mean, really? That's so sad." She tried to change her tone

"Don't try to change it now. I already know how you feel." Cara said

"Oh come on. You know I love you guys." Val ran over and hugged Cara picking her up off the ground.

"Val! Put me down." Val tried to put her down but forgot that Cara is short just like me and didn't wait until her feet were on the ground to let her go and Cara fell on the floor.

"I'm sorry. I thought you had it." Val said helping her up.

Cara pushed val and walked away

"You can't just abuse my sister." I said

"It was an accident. Its not as bad as what I want to do on purpose." Val laughed

"Mama, can I go to Jeffrey house?" Carter asked walking into the kitchen

"Nope. We have wedding stuff to do and you have to come with us."


"Sorry Curly. I can't help this time."

"Ugh. Why do I have to come. Honestly if it were my choice we would all have on matching sweat pants and t-shirts and y'all would get married in the backyard. We can even get Nana you bake the cake."

"See. I told you I wasn't the only one." Val said

"Well that's not happening. Now, go finish getting dressed."

"These people." He mumbled

"I heard that." I said

"Heard what?" Val asked. I laughed and shook my head but Val was genuinely confused.

Val's phone rang and when she answered it she started speaking French. I stood there for a long time and waited for her to get off the phone.

"What? You didn't know I can speak french?"

"I knew that. I know you speak 7 languages. What I don't know is who you were talking to."

"I was speaking with a guy name Japer Devoux. I don't know if you remember but awhile back when in was working with the CIA I was going crazy trying to figure something out. Well, this Japer guy was the one I helped and he was thanking me. He also wanted me to work for him." She made sure to say that last sentence real low and fast.

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