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(Chloe's POV)

Val told me she had to be to work early this morning so my mama had to come and get the twins which took her forever. Then after she took them, I still wasn't ready because I could have sworn I ironed and hung my shirt up last night. We still have clothes that are still packed up so I have to go through them and find another shirt. I also had iron that shirt. My coffee machine wasn't working and I don't know how the hell my other shoe ended up in Carter's room. When I thought I was ready to leave, my bag with all my graded papers and lesson plans went missing.

When I finally got out the door someone was parked in front of my driveway. It was my neighbor Deena. So I had to knock on her door and ask her to move her car. When I was finally on my way to work everything seemed fine until I realized I did nothing with my hair and I looked crazy. I grabbed the comb that I keep in my glove compartment and combed my hair. In the end my hair was in a bun and I was satisfied.

When I walked to my classroom it was dark inside. I used my key to get in and turned on the light.

"Surprise!" All of my students and some teachers jumped up almost giving me a heart attack. I looked around and there were cake and decorations. I was so confused for a second. Then it hit me, it was my birthday. So much has been going on that I forgot about my own birthday.

I see Val come from behind the crowed and walked over to me. "Happy birthday sweetheart." She hugging me

"Val what is all of this?"

"It's your birthday celebration. What do you think?"

"I love it. Wait, this is what you've been planning every time you came here?"

"Yup and your students were a big help. So was your neighbor Deena."

"You were the reason everything was going terrible this morning." I hit her and she laughed.

"Happy birthday Ms. Ellison." Lucy said bringing me a present.

"Thank you. I guess I should put my things down and join the party huh?" Val nodded her head and I went to the chair that was highly decorated.

Carter came from behind me and placed a crown on my head. It was made from construction paper and glitter but its the thought that counts.

The party was fun and we ate cake and laughed the whole time. At the end all of my students got into a line and it was a little after that I realized they all had shirts with a word on them. All together it read:

Happy birthday sweetheart. I love you and I hope you say yes to proposal number two.

I turned around and Val was on one knee and I was instantly taken back to that night in New York City in that pizza shop.

"Ok. Chloe I've already done this before and you've already said yes. However we have had some trials and tribulations and I promised you that when my leg healed and the time is right I'd propose again to show you my undying love for you. We have a family and I would really love if I can hear someone call you Mrs. Chloe Dexter. That's right people she's taking my last name. Anyway, I'm asking you Chloe Cynthia Ellison, yup I said your middle name, I'm asking you again. Will you marry me?"

"Of course I'll marry you." Everyone cheered and Val put the ring on the finger. She got up and kissed me and hugged me.

"Ok everybody. Who wants cake?!" Val said

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