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(Val's POV)

"Happy Birthday Joshua and Jacob!" Everyone yelled. We were having the most expensive birthday party I've ever seen for 1 year olds. There were balloons and decorations. They each had a cake and then there was another cake for the guest. I didn't know half of the people there because they were Larry and Grace's family as well which kind of pissed me off because where the hell have they been for the last year? Carter was of course in charge of most of the party. Mostly because he didn't want anyone to do anything.

"So do you think we did a good job?" Chloe asked

"Yeah we did. It's nicer than I expected."

"What's wrong? You don't sound excited."

"Who the hell are these people?"

"Gracie and Larry's family."

"Okay and why are they here. Most of them have never seen the twins before and now they can come to their first birthday party. Even their grandparents seemed to forget they were alive. They called once."

"I get where you're coming from but I only invited Larry and Grace's parents and the rest kind of followed, I guess."

"You know I don't like this right?"

"I didn't know all of them were coming. I wasn't happy about it either but they're here and we'll make the best out of it."

"I guess I can manage. Where's Carter?"

"Making sure no one messes with the gifts. The twins have some distant cousins that don't know how to stop touching stuff."

I didn't say anything. Yeah I was a little upset but it's the still the twins day.

At the end of the party Carter and I cleaned up while Chloe put the babies to sleep. They had a long day and so Chloe decided to give them a bath and lay them down.

"Hey mom, who were those people?" Carter asked

"Honestly, I have no idea kid, but the twins look like they had fun and your mama is happy so that's all that matters."

"Some guy gave me this pin." He gave it to me and it was a sliver pin with a symbol on it. I've seen it before but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"What did he look like?"

"He was a tall black guy with a cool mustache. He also had a tattoo of that pin in his hand." I didn't want to freak him or Chloe out but I knew exactly who he was and I knew exactly why he's after me. The only think I didn't know was how he was out of prison.

"This is a cool pin. Can I hold it for a while?"

"Sure. You can actually keep it. I don't like it."

"Okay thanks." As soon as we were done I went outside and called Nick.

"Hello?" Nick answered

"Nick we have a problem."

"What's up and Brianna says hi."

"Tell her I said hi and George Silth was in my house. He gave a pin to Carter with his symbol on it."

"Wait, you don't mean George Silth as in 'Warhead' George Silth? The same George Silth we put in prison?"

"Yes. Nick we have to take care of this without letting my family know. I can't lose them. Everything was going fine. I'm not understanding what the fuck is going on."

"Okay, calm down. Meet me at the sandwich place down town tomorrow at 3pm. We'll talk more about it. Stress is the last thing Briana needs right now."

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