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(Val's POV)

"Dexter can you give these to Jackson? I was going to give these to you but I already gave you two today and these are nothing big." Margo said handing me some folders

"Yeah sure."

"Oh and tell Nick to answer his phone. His wife is annoying."

"Ok." I chuckled as I walked out. I made my way to nick first to pass the message and then I saw Alaina Jackson. She was about to walk pass me. "Alaina." I said getting her attention

"Me?" She asked

"You're the only Alaina here." I said laughing. Shr gave me a nervous smile. "Is there something wrong?"

"I just didnt know you knew my name."

"I know everyone's name."

"Really?" She pushed her curls out of her face and smiled. She reminded me of someone but I couldn't think of who it was.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I?"

"I didn't think a big shot like you would have time to learn everyone's name. Let alone talk to them."

"I talk to everyone. I'm a nice person."

"Don't take this the wrong way but usually successful good looking people are rude."

"Well I'm not. I promise. Is that how everyone thinks of me?'

"Most people."

"That's not fair. No one even talks to me. Except Margo and Nick. It's like everyone is shy."

"On behalf of half of the women here, we aren't shy we are nervous. You're fine as hell and we've seen you in action when something doesn't go your way. Its threatening and a turn on for most." She bit her lip and as she looked up at me with her green and hazel eyes. I looked at Nick and he held up the picture of Chloe and I that was on my desk. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"Well you can let everyone know I'm a nice person." I turned around and sat down at my desk

"Will do. Oh and I don't think your personality is what everyone wants to know about." She winked at me and walked away

"And the player of the year award goes to Valentine Dexter." Nick said hanging me a piece of paper he wrote on and throwing ripped up pieces of paper as confetti

"Shut up." I said laughing

"You don't know the power you have."

"I do. However, I know that I'm not fuckung up what I have fought so hard for."

"You're crazy. If I were you I would have had my way with her. Give her something to talk about. They say once you go black you never go back.'

"Have you ever cheated on Briana?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Nick, as as friend I'm saying you are a piece if shit. Briana loves you and you just don't care."

"After awhile you want to try other flavors. You can probably stick with your vanilla latte forever and sometimes I want to try something something other than my caramel drizzel at home." Did he just call Chloe a vanilla latte? Did he just compare our wives to food?

"What the hell are you talking about?'

"I'm just saying that sometimes new is good."

"I have to quit hanging with you man. You're a dick and I can't be a dick by association."

"Whatever." He slid behind his computer. "I'm telling you things you need to know." I laughed and turned my attention to my work

It was around 10 when I got home. Not too bad, actually not bad at all.

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