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(Val's POV)

"Mom what's going on? Why are we staying here?" Carter asked me

"There's some things going on and it will be safer here." I answered him. We moved everyone to a safe place in the middle of Arizona. It was hard trying to explain to Chloe's job what the hell was going on. I had to have proof that it was a government thing and long story short here we are. I also had both of our families moved. They didn't go far but I still wanted them safe. I feel bad that everyone has to stop their lives because of my life.

"I hope this works. I don't need anything happening to Brianna and my baby girl." Nick said. It's crazy to see him so concerned about Brianna now that she's pregnant. I remember when he was cheating on her and didn't give a damn.

"Yeah me too. Listen, everything will be fine. Don't worry we have this."

"Yeah says the trained sniper." He rolled his eyes

After we got everyone settled in, it was time for me to leave. Chloe was quiet which means she was thinking and before I left I wanted to give her a piece of mind.

"Hey sweetheart. Are you doing okay?" I asked even though I already knew the answer

"Yeah I'm fine." She lied. She was looking past me at the boys.

"Hey, listen to me. I'm going to be fine and so is everybody else. Okay?"

"You say that Val but you know there's no guarantee that you're going to come back to me, to us." She was right. Anything can happen

"Yeah that's true but you're engaged to Valentine Dexter. I've been shot, stabbed, burned, thrown off one of your insane horses, and I've managed to take care of twins while you're away at work all day. I'm pretty convinced I'm invincible at this point. After everything I've been through I still make it home to you and I will make it home to you this time. I promise."

She hugged me and held on tight. It was a 'I believe in you but I'm still scared this might be my last time seeing you' hug. A hug I couldn't blame her for. I held on to her as she started to cry. I know she's tired of going through this and I am too. I looked over at Briana and Nick. She's not used to this. She's never had to visit Nick in the hospital because of a day at work. She was just sitting there staring at the floor while Nick was trying to talk to her. He was trying to explain what was going to happen but she wasn't listening. She was too busy trying get her own thoughts together.

"Curly come here." I said to Carter. I kneeled down to in front of him when he ran over to me.

"Are you about to leave now?" He asked

"Yup but I need you to do something for me. I need you to look after your mama, the twins, and Brianna for me, okay?"

"Okay. I got this because I'm the man of the house." He said with a proud look on his face.

"That's right and no matter what you have to make sure everyone is calm and doing okay."

"Got it and when will you be back?"

"I don't have an exact date but I won't be gone long."

"Well here, it's for you to take with you." He gave me one of his little action figure. Captain something or something man. To be honest I don't know the name of the thing

"Why are you giving this to me? It's yours."

"Yeah it is but I always have it with me when you forget to put the nightlight on at night and I'm too scared to get out of bed and turn it on myself. I know you're going to do dangerous stuff so I thought that maybe you might need him more than I do. I'm brace enough now and you're going to be more afraid than I am." He hugged me and I felt a lump in my throat. I tried to hold back my tears but this wasn't the time to play tough.

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