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(Chloe POV)

It was finally Tuesday and I was ready to start career day so it could just be over with. I was walking to my classroom when Mrs. Donald stopped me and told me to come to her office to meet the 3 volunteers that were going to be in my classroom today.

I walked in to only see the doctor and the firefighter.

"Ms. Ellison, this is Dr. Coleman and Mr. Clark Fern." Mrs. Donlad said

"Hello, it's nice to meet y'all." I said shaking their hands

"Sergeant Dexter will be here shortly. There were some traffic problems."

Shortly after I heard a voice behind me. When I turned around I almost dropped my coffee and papers. It was the woman from my dream. What the hell was she doing here?

"I'm so sorry for being late Mrs. Donald." She said

"Its no big deal. Sergeant Dexter, this is Ms. Ellison. You will be in her classroom today."

"Its nice to meet you." Sargent Dexter said shaking my hand. She definitely wasn't from Texas

"Sounds like you're from the city." Dr. Coleman said

"I am. New York to be exact. I just moved here 4 days ago."

"Well, welcome to Texas. I hope you enjoy it here." Mr. Fern said

"Thank you." Sergeant Dexter said standing tall in her uniform

"Ok well if y'all would follow me I will take you to my classroom before the children get here." I said walking out

They followed behind me not saying anything but a few hellos to the other teachers and volunteers. I unlocked my classroom door and walked in. I placed my things in my desk and started to write the volunteers names in my board. As usual Lucy walked first and sat in her seat. She just sat there staring at Dr. Coleman. He noticed and decided to speak to her.

"Hello. My name is Dr. Coleman. What's your name?" Dr. Coleman said kneeling down next to her desk.

"My name is Lucy Chow."

"Its nice to meet you Lucy. Do you want to be my helper today?"

"Help you do what?"

"You can help me pass things out and do demonstrations."

"Ok I'll help.'

"Thank you Lucy."

I was sitting at my desk typing some things up while occasionally looking up at the volunteers. A couple students came in and they started talking to them. I watched at Mr. Fern opened the box where Monty was. He jumped back and almost fell into one if my students.

"What is that thing?" He asked walking over to my desk

"Its our class pet. His name is Monty." I said trying not to laugh

"Well I think he's cute." Sergeant Dexter said picking him up

"Hey! What are you doing with Monty." Carter said walking into the classroom

"I was just looking at Minty. I swear I was going to put him back."

"His name is Monty. Plus how do I know you're certified to hold him?" Carter asked. Sergeant Dexter looked at me and I just shrugged.

"Well if you must know, I am certified." Sergeant Dexter flashed a card and put it back in her pocket.

"Ok class! Everybody get in their seats. I want to introduce y'all to our career day volunteers." I waited for everyone on to sit down and quiet down to continue. "Ok so first we have Mr. Clark Fern. He is a firefighter and he is going to tell y'all what he does at work."

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