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(Chloe's POV)

Its the day that we go back home and everyone is at the Dexter's house. Even Jenna and her family. We have already visited Mrs. Dexter and Mr. Dexter who had never left her side since she was admitted into the hospital.

"I'm so happy for you guys." David said

"Thanks. I'm happy I got to see all of you and I'm glad I have you all in my corner for support. I love you all but we have to go before we miss our flight." Val said. Vinnie grabbed his keys and drove us to the airport.

"Keep her out of trouble." Vinnie said hugging me

"I can only try." I said. Val rolled her eyes and grabbed our bags

"And you need to kill your temper."

"Yeah yeah." Val said hugging him with her free hand

"Ok. We have to go now. They just called our flight." Val said

"Ok be safe." Vinnie said as we walked away.

The whole trip home I was sleep. When I woke up it was time to get off the plane. We got our luggage and took a cab home.

"Home sweet home." Val said as she practically threw our bags on the floor. "I'm so tired." She walked into out room and flopped on the bed.

"I slept the whole way and I'm still tired."

"Come lay with me." She held her arms out and I walked over to her. As soon as I laid down there was a knock at the door. "We haven't even been here 5 minutes." Val groaned.

"Val, I have to get up and answer the door."

"No you don't." She held me tighter


"Ugh. Fine." She let me go and when I answered the door I was greeted by a police officer a woman and a man I've never seen before

"Are you Ms. Chloe Ellison?" The woman asked

"Yes." I'm pretty sure I looked confused

"My name is Suzanne Richards and this is Jack Flinn and officer Henry Quinn. May we come in?"

"Sure." I showed them to my kitchen and we sat down

"What's going on?" Val said walking into the kitchen. Suzanne gave me a look

"This is my fiancé."

"Ok. Good she should sit down too." Jack said. Val sat down next to me

"We are from the department of child services. We came here regarding your friend and co-worker Gracie Hunter and her husband Larry Hunter." Jack said looking through a folder

"Are they ok?" I asked

"Unfortunately no. They were in a car accident 2 days ago and they both died on the scene." Those words hit me hard. I instantly started crying while Val held me.

"I know this is a tragic loss and I'm so sorry." Suzanne said

"Wait, what about the boys? Are they ok?" I asked

"That's why we are here. It is listed that if anything were to happen to them, you would be the one to take care of them. Being Gracie was the only child and her parents aren't able to take care of them you were the only one listed." Jack said handing me papers. I looked at Val and she looked at the officer who hasn't said anything yet

"What if we don't take them in?" Val asked

"They will be put into the system where hopefully one day they will be adopted. However in some cases only one gets adopted at a time meaning they are split up. One may be in Texas and the other may end up in Japan somewhere. I understand this is last minute but I would hate for that to happen to these baby boys." I kind of just looked at Jack.

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