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(Val POV)

I woke up the next morning and got ready. My car was here around 6 so I was on time. I met everyone. Work was fine but I really missed home. I miss the New York traffic and the harsh accents of everyone around me. Before I left a friend of mine who moved here a little over 3 years ago, Olivia Hosten, gave me the papers to where the school was and what I was I needed do and say. She was a friend from high school, we never got as close as Jenna and I because I had feelings for her and was scared it would just make things weird. When I did get the courage to ask her out it didn't go as planned. So now that we're in contact again we just decided that it would be best to grab something to eat together to catch up in things.

"How have things been Sergent Dexter?" Olivia said with a giggle

"Ok I guess, Major Hosten." I said smiling. The last time I saw her, we were both still privates. I also had a big crush on her and I still kind of do. I was looking at her, but I was too focused on her features to pay attention to what she was saying. Her light brown eyes and brown skin are enough to drive anyone crazy. Her hair was tucked into a tight bun making sure not to touch her collar. I looked at her hand which was wrapped around her drink and saw a ring. Dammit, she was married. My thoughts were interrupted by the waitress sitting our plates on the table

"Wow, I almost forgot how you look. I missed you Valentine."

"Yeah I missed you too Olive. So I see you're married now huh?"

"No one has called me Olive in a long time and Yes. I married Nina Cullen. Do you remember her?" She asked taking a bite of her food

"Are you talking about Nina? The girl who jumped on the table in the middle of the lunch room and asked you out in the middle of me trying to confess my love to you our junior year of high school? Nope. Doesn't ring a bell." I said. Olivia laughed. Her smile is beautiful and thinking of that day makes my blood boil. Before Dana there was Olivia and she will always have a place in my heart.

"I heard about Dana and I'm really sorry for your lost." Olivia looked down almost scared of my reaction might be.

"Its fine. Now I'm just trying to work on myself."

"So, you don't have anyone special?"

"No. I'm not looking either. If someone happens to come by, then I'll work with it."

"If you need someone to talk to I'm here, ok?" She grabbed my hand and held them between hers. Her ring was cold against my knuckles causing goose bumps all over my body. Or was it just her touch alone that set my chills through me?

"I appreciate it, but I should be fine." I said pulling away. Olivia phone started ringing.

"Excuse me for a minute." She said getting up and walking away. She was pacing back and forth on as her conversation went on. I couldn't really see her shape in her BCU uniform but if it's anything like it was 4 years ago, never mind. I'm just going to keep that to myself. She walked back to the table and sat down.

"Nina?" I asked. She just shook her head yes.

"Is everything ok?"

"Yeah. She just got into a car accident and is at home so she calls me when something is wrong. In this case, she just called to tell me that my parents came over." We finished our food and said our goodbyes and I drove home

When I got home the moving company called me to tell me that they were on their way to bring the rest of my things. I was glad I can have my things back. Maybe it would start to feel like home.

After they brought all of my stuff in I decided to unpack the small stuff first and worry about the big things later. When I was done i looked around and saw all of the boxes I had left. It was a lot but at least I got something done. Now I can rest for the rest of the day.

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