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(Val's POV)

We've been in this hotel room for three days. Nick hasn't been freaking out but I know he's scared. I am too. I'm not sure if they think I'm stupid but I'm very observant. I've noticed that everyday at 2 a white van parks in front of the hotel and a man gets out and walks up and down the street. I also notice the snipers that changes shifts every 8 hours. I've also noticed that Nick has been on the computer for 5 hours.

"What's are you doing?"

"Trying to hack into the signal coming from the tracking devices on the snipers."

"What trackers?"

"I told you he is very controlling so he keeps a close eye on his men. I don't know what part of the body but he definitely has them put them somewhere in their body." I looked out the window again and one of the snipers started shaking and then he dropped.

"What's going on with him?" I asked

"Something happened?" Nick asked without taking his eyes off the screen

"Yeah. It looks like one had a seizer or something."

"That was just me messing with the tracker."

"I think he's dead. What about the other one?"

"I'll get him but I can't find a signal for the gunmen on the ground."

"He trust them. They aren't going to bail out on him." I looked down at them and saw a black truck parked in front of the hotel. Then about 8 people jumped out with giant guns. "They really want to kill us "

"No. They really want to kill you. I'm just the innocent bystander."

"Are you going to act like a little bitch the whole time?" He stood up and so did I. "Your best bet is to sit down and help me figure out a plan to get out of here."

"Now I know why people go into the military. They're too stupid to actually think things through." I said I wouldn't do it but I had to. I punch him in the face. We risk our lives for you and you say some dumb shit like that. Long story short we ended up fighting but it ended when we heard banging on the door. I grabbed my gun and ran to the bathroom. Dummy hides in the closet.

"They're in here somewhere." I heard a voice say. I could see them through the mirror and there were 4 people. I saw Nick easing out of the closet to shoot them and he....drops the gun. I swear he is dumbass sometimes

"What in the actual fuck?" I said under my breath. Its not like he hasn't used it before.

I looked in the mirror and out the window and I saw Margo and about 10 others. The only way he will make it is if I shot at least 2 and then he could get away and make sure Chloe is ok. I know for a fact that our team isn't going to make it in time and one or both of us will be either be shot or captured.

They want me and there is no reason for Nick to die for my mess. Chances are, one will turn around and shoot me and I'll be captured. It won't be for long because Nick knows how to find me and Margo will send guys. At least I hope that's what will happened.

As soon as the first guy raised his gun I shot him and the one next to him. The one at the far right turned around and shot me in my leg.

"Nick, the window!" He didn't question me and he ran and jumped out the window. He already knew what I had in mind.

I collapsed to the ground still attempting to shoot but I had to move out of the way. I looked in the mirror again and their backs were turned trying to catch Nick so I stood up and fired again. One turned around and shot me in my leg again and I fell hitting my head on the sink. Then everything went black.

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