Welcome Home

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Magnus Pov- I unlocked the apartment door holding it open for Alec as he walked through it holding a baby carrier. Our son Max Lightwood was lying in the carrier looking around as he sucked on his little chubby fingers. "Home sweet home" Alec sighed setting the carrier on the couch and unhooking Max from it. He picked him up smiling sweetly at him "You happy to be home baby boy?"

I closed the front door and walked over to them "did you ever imagine that we'd be coming home with a baby?" Alec laughed slightly "never in my wildest dreams." He turned looking at me smiling happily "I'm so glad we kept him though. I can't imagine anyone else being better parents for him. He'll need you to teach him how to handle his magic."

I crossed my arms smiling "He'll need you too Alexander. He could still learn how to use a bow and arrow, you could teach him all the important things like reading and talking." Alec smiled thinking about that "That sounds amazing."

He looked down at Max with pure fatherly love in his eyes. I thought I knew all the sides of Alec. His tough side, his jealous side, his big brother side but this was different. There was a new tenderness to Alec that I absolutely adored more than any other quality.

"What is he going to call us" he asked moving into the kitchen to make Max a bottle. I shrugged following him "What do you think he should call us?" I took Max so Alec would have free hands to make the bottle "well he can't call us both dad. That will get confusing real fast."

Alec put the bottle in the microwave putting on his thinking face. He had a very adorable thinking face. "I guess we will let him decide when he's old enough to but until then I think you should be daddy." I blinked confused "Why am I daddy? Why don't you want to be daddy?"

Once the microwave sounded Alec took the bottle out and tested the warmth on his wrist. Alec was an expert at making the bottle perfect, I always seems to burn myself. "I wouldn't mind being daddy but I feel like the name makes more sense for you. We all know you're going to be the fun parent and I'm going to be the strict one."

I smiled "I would fight you on that but I won't be able to say no to this cute face." I held up Max making him giggle and flail his arms around. "Do you want to play games with daddy and learn the beauty of clothing and glitter?" Max giggled again but it wasn't funny to Alec "I for one don't want our child covered in glitter. That will take forever to get off his skin at bath time."

Magnus shrugged and handed Max back who practically snatched the bottle from Alec drinking it fast. Alec propped him up trying to get him to drink slower. "So you're daddy then, what should I be?" I thought about that for a moment "maybe dad or father."

Alec looked at Max thinking it over "Does father sound to strict?" I shook my head no "I don't think so. It just might take him a little while to learn is all." Alec shrugged walking out of the kitchen "He won't be talking for some time now. What he calls me is what he calls me."

He sat on the couch looking around at all the baby proofing Isabelle did while we were in Idris. All my potions that were onece sitting on tables and book shelves were now concealed in glass cases. My candles for demon summoning's were out of reach and my books lied in boxes where they can't fall on the baby. "You know my customers will be expecting magic not baby toys and bouncers."

Alec laughed slightly and took the bottle from Max, holding him over his shoulder so he could burp him. "Well your new job is stay at home dad. I won't be able to be here all the time and I would like to think I can go patrolling without worrying about our son getting eaten by a demon. You saw before how easily Chairman Meow walked into that pentagram. Max could crawl into one and that's it."

"Alexander, you really think I would so easily let our child be killed like that? What kind of man do you take me for?" Alec shrugged "You tend to be careless when you're deep in your work. I would feel better if my mother or Catarina watched Max while you have customers. You don't know who you can trust."

I snorted at the suggestion "What, are you going to ask Lilly to babysit for us?" He shrugged "not right away but maybe someday when he gets used to her and vice versa. We have those weekly meetings so they'll be seeing a lot of each other." I shook my head "I was joking Alec, we are not letting the head of the vampire clan watch our son. I have known her longer than you and I know she's trouble without Raphael to keep her tamed."

I glanced at him "Then again that's why she seems to like you so much." Alec looked at me before looking down at the baby who was falling asleep in his arms "I was thinking we should make Max's middle name Raphael." I was shocked at that "really?"

He nodded "The name Max is important to me and my family. The name Raphael is important to you. He died for you in Edom and I will never be able to thank him for saving your life. This seems to be the only way I can."

I leaned on the wall crossing my arms "Max Raphael Lightwood." I let it sink in for a moment before smiling slightly "yes... I would love that." Alec smiled standing up "great. Did you make up a nursery for Max in the room next to ours?" I nodded leading him to the room "I added my own Magic touch."

I opened the door letting Alec walk in before me and he looked around stunned. The walls were light blue with clouds spread all over. The clouds moved as if the wall was the real sky. There was an adorable dark brown crib properly made and the mobile above it were little chairman meows.

Alec touched on of the Chairman's before looking back at me smiling "I can't believe you did all this." Magnus smiled and flipped off the bedroom light making the day time walls turn to nighttime. Now clouds were replaced with stars. Alec smiled at the starlit room before laying Max down in the crib "This is amazing Magnus. You are such a great daddy."

I never thought I would hear those words but now that I have I loved the sound of it. 'Daddy' I was a daddy and I knew I would be a better one than my real father or stepfather. "Are you sure you aren't going to complain about how I 'stole' that crib or the pack and play?" Alec rolled his eyes but didn't seem to hate it none the less.

"I don't think I would be the best to go crib shopping. I would have no idea what to get and then my mom and Isabelle would want to come. That's a disaster I rather avoid." I nodded remembering how his family practically smothered us the moment we got Max.

"Yeah... I could go a long while without seeing your mother again but I know that will be a stretch. I've seen more of her this passed month then I have my entire life." Alec nodded looking into the crib at Max "it's strange isn't it? How this small amazing bundle of joy brought us all together at long last."

He looked at me again but now his smile was sad. "She said 'who could ever love it?' how could a mother be so cold and toward such an amazingly sweet boy?" I walked over to him leaning slightly on the crib watching Max sleep as well.

"Do you remember what I told you about my mother? The things I wrote about my parents in those journals?" Alec nodded before laying his head on my shoulder "I don't understand that either. I can't even begin to imagine a world without you Magnus. I would still be that awkward scared kid locking himself away in his closet and obsessing over someone I knew I never really romantically loved. You made me the person I am today and I'm so thankful for that."

I kissed the top of his head smiling "You've changed my life in so many ways too Alec. I never thought I would have this. I never in my wildest dreams imagined I could ever be this happy." Alec smiled before leaning in and kissing me softly on the lips. I kissed him back smiling and we looked into each other's eyes before looking back down at our precious sleeping child.

Alec reached into the crib stroking Max's head gently "Welcome home Max." I smiled at Alec before also looking at Max imagining the long life of happiness waiting before us. "Welcome home son."

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