[JM] Confident.

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     This was your home now.

The ground.

You were finally free.

Well, as free as criminals could actually get. Even after being locked away from people, you still felt like you were alone, despite all those around you now. You found yourself walking further away from the dropship, one reason to get away from everyone and the second was because one boy, Jasper, was screaming out in pain making it harder for everyone to sleep, which resulted in everyone being moody and grumpy and unable to do work to help everyone out.

You, on the other hand, weren't affected by it much, the walls of the Ark prison weren't very thick and so you could hear everything. You didn't hear people talking before you heard someone yell at you,

"Watch it!" You looked over to him and noticed it was Bellamy Blake.

The one who had taken charge of the camp. His neck had a vein popping out, his jaw was tight and the sides fluttered and his eyes were narrow, you tilted your head in confusion before he sighed and everything about him softened.

"I could have killed you." He pointed to the tree next to you and right beside your head was a small axe wedged into the bark.

"Sorry," was all you could whisper out as you pulled it from the bark and carefully walked back over to him to hand it back.

When you got to him he was looking at you weirdly. He was more than likely shocked that you didn't flinch or react to the blade being so close to your head. You tried to hand it back but he shook his head at you.

"You try." He nodded towards the axe then to the tree and smiled softly at you. You cleared your throat before looking at the axe then to him.

"Bu—Why?" You shuffled uncomfortably on your feet and the boy next to Bellamy scoffed.

"Bellamy, really? She's a stick, she couldn't throw it hard enough for it to even land two steps in front of her, she'll just hurt herself, she's pathetic." He looked at you with a disgusted look.

    ' She's pathetic.' Those words echoed through your head, you heard them too many times before.

"I bet you she couldn't even do it with your help, she's pathetic." He really liked to throw that in your face, didn't he?

A surge of anger went through you and your breathing deepened, yet none of them noticed.

' She's pathetic.' No, you weren't.

    'She's pathetic.' No, you weren't.

"Dude stop," Bellamy spoke up and looked at the other boy slightly annoyed.


Before the words could bounce around your head again you threw the axe with full force towards the tree making it wedge further in the bark than Bellamy did.

"Want to say that again, Murphy?" Bellamy smirked as you turned your head to the other boy, your fists clenched and your breathing even deeper than before.

"Because the last person who did never spoke again." Bellamy's smirk vanished from his face and looked towards you and watched as you turned to the other boy. "In fact, neither of them ever spoke again. I will be more than happy to add you to the list, Murphy." You spat out as you got closer to him.

"I—" You cut him off.

"Besides, you have missed your target each time you threw your knife, and the target wasn't even moving." You calmed your breathing as Bellamy pulled you back slightly.

"Okay, let's move on shall we. Hey, how about you go and help out around camp?" Bellamy suggested and let go of you.

You still had your eyes locked onto Murphy. "My pleasure, Blake, just make sure he's not alone next time I see him." You walked forward hitting your shoulder with Murphy's before heading back to camp.

"That was hot," was all you heard leave Murphy's mouth as you walked away.

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