[CA] Unwind.

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     The irritation that radiated from Anya could almost be physically felt by anyone in close proximity to her. Her icy glare could easily stop a man's heart and freeze him on the spot, and her tightened fists that could be seen visibly on the armrests of her chair could easily knock someone out cold with just one simple tap.

     There was a meeting with one of the clans, someone had broken one of the laws and she was to decide their fate. You could easily see how stressed she had become, but everyone else in the room had just assumed it was her anger and tried to skirt around her, trying to avoid her bad side in fear of her punishment.

     You weren't exactly paying attention to the words being exchanged as you stood beside Lexa, who was very much engrossed in the debate, offering a few words along with Indra. You stood there staring at Anya, glancing at her features. At the way she held herself together and how her expressions changed as she spoke.

     "You're staring, again," Lexa whispered to you discreetly.

     "I was." You nodded.

     "Yes, you were," she argued. "Wait, did you just admit to it? No phony excuses or lies?"

     "Nope." You shook your head.

     "That's a first." She turned back to the debate.

     Anya breathed in deeply before standing up, everyone else straightened their backs and waited for her to conduct her final statement and decision. You watched her mouth move but you couldn't focus on the words she was saying. The rest of the people in the room either sighed and tried to complain, arguing that her decision was wrong while others shook hands, pleased at the result.

     Anya waved everyone away, leaving only Lexa, Indra, Anya and yourself. Indra mentioned something about training some of the younger warriors while Lexa said she was going to help her. Lexa sent you a wink before she left with Indra quickly. Anya sat back down on her chair, leaning back her eyes closed.

     "Come here," she spoke quietly and patted her legs, you let out a soft laugh before shaking your head, walking over to stand in front of her.

     "Yes, Gona Heda?" You asked innocently while she opened one eye with a smirk.

     "How many time do I have to tell you—"

     "Relax, Anya." You laughed as she grabbed your hands and pulled you into her lap. Leaving you to straddle her, while she wraps her arms around your waist, her chin resting on your chest while she let out a sigh.

     You look down at her, even with her war paint on you could easily see the bags under her eyes, you gently cupped her face and pressed your lips to her forehead, then to her nose then gently to her lips. A short and quick kiss. She gave you a weak smile which you returned.

     "You need to relax, Gona Heda." You could see her playfully glare as you teased her.

     "Stop it," she told you. "We are equal." She placed a kiss to your collarbone.

     "When we are alone, maybe." She shook her head. As you stood up she gave a small sound of protest. "I'm getting stressed just looking at you, follow me." You held your hand out to her, she gladly took it and you pulled her out of the room and towards the woods.

     "Where are we going?" She asked as you continued to drag her through the woods.

     "Just some place that I found." You shrugged and looked back at her with a smile.

     "If you're going to murder me—"

     "I'll kill you with kisses." You grinned as she fell in line with you, still holding your hand.

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