[JJ] Dating Would Include:

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• him trying to impress you
• being best friends with Monty
• making fun of his old crush on Octavia with Octavia
• him trying to fight everyone who tries to flirt with you and fails bc he's a weenie
• joking around about everything bc you guys are lil kids
• stealing his goggles
• throwing berries into each other's mouths and sometimes purposely missing
• making Unity Day juice with him and Monty
• getting drunk together on said Unity Day juice
• being protective of each other (especially at Mount Weather)
• soft kisses
• holding hands
• not leaving each other's side
• prank wars
• on the Ark, you would watch the stars together every day (before getting arrested)
• sharing food
• him staring at you all the time bc he can
• him being gentle with you when kissing
• getting embarrassed in front of each other bc you're both lil weenies
• no sex bc you're both only small children, small tiny babies
• although he kisses rough sometimes bc he's a very hormonal teenage breadstick
• giving each other nicknames
• on the Ark, you would have movie nights
• piggyback rides
• him trying to teach you how to use a gun
• play fights
• having to show him some of the ropes of relationships bc he's new at it
• after Mount Weather, you try to help him with his PTSD
• sharing the food at Mount Weather like cliché lil dumplings (s'cute)
• him telling you to share a tent with him at camp (with Monty of course, my son)
• him telling you to share a bunk with him at Mount Weather bc why not
• being in the Mount Weather group with him, Monty, Miller, Harper, and Maya
• him treating you as an equal bc he respects you like he should
• him being really sweet
• you having to remind him that you only want to be with him
• you letting him play with your hair
• dating Jasper Jordan

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