[ZM+CA+OB+JJ+MG+LKF] Preference: Unexpected Love.

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Zoe Monroe:

The moment that people had found out that Monroe was with a high-ranking member of the Azgeda army, they would have tried to break the two of you apart. Not only was the Ice Nation hated amongst the Sky People, but also amongst the other Clans. No one would trust you at all, aside from Monroe, but, then again, as a member of Azgeda, you wouldn't have particularly cared, especially as the majority of the members from the army would have been desensitised as part of their training. In order to get to the rank that you were at, you would have had to have repressed any sense of who you once were, leaving behind only a soldier. Of course, you would have been close to your own people, having some sort of friendships or relationships, but, ultimately, you would have been closed off. So, when people began to see you with Monroe more and more, they would have realised that it meant that you let down some of your walls to let her in, that it would have meant that you were serious about the relationship and that you had trusted her, because it probably wouldn't have been a normal or casual occurrence for the higher-ranking members of the army to be with anyone in any way, as to not form attachments. However, Monroe was the exception, for the long haul.


In the beginning, you would have been ostracised by Trikru. After all, you had been a part of the Azgeda army, and a high-ranking member while part of it. However, that wasn't who you were now. In the beginning, Commander Lexa would have sent Anya to keep an eye on you, to make sure that you weren't there to act as a spy. However, over time, you were beginning to be treated as a member of Trikru. Anya, although composed, would have most likely grown attached to you, having spent so much time watching you and being with you. By the time a relationship formed between the two of you, you would have been considered part of Trikru, trusted, and mostly known. It helped that you wanted to leave that part of your life and start fresh, so people wouldn't have been opposed to it, or angry about it. The two of you would have been supported and respected. Anya would have already been comfortable around you and would let her guard down when it was just the two of you, and because of the effort that she, and the rest of Trikru, displayed, you would have been the same way when around her.

Octavia Blake:

No one knew how your relationship started. Octavia had practically despised you the moment she met you, while you were indifferent towards her. You never considered her much of a threat to you. Lincoln had told her about some of the Azgeda soldiers, and your name had come up a few times, linked to stories that could have been nightmares, so disturbing that even the most fearless of adults would have been paranoid to close their eyes. The relationship between the two of you got stronger during the six years of being down in the Second Dawn bunker. Being one of the members of Ice Nation to go down in the bunker, you had helped guide her during difficult times, alongside Indra—who couldn't stand the sight of you, yet respected the fact that you were trying to help Octavia shoulder the burden of being the Red Queen. You had also trained her in fighting in private, letting her know how to improve. The relationship at first was rocky, and mainly dealt with politics and training, but the two of you slowly began to open up to one another when you both realised that you had been holding things in, which held you back from becoming someone better. You both pushed one another to do better, to be better, and Octavia needed someone in her life who accepted her, cared for her, and who would help carry the weight of stress and duties that were now forced upon her, letting her know that she was human, and not the violence she saw herself as.

Jasper Jordan:

Although your time together wasn't as long as the two of you would have liked, you both had found solace in the presence of one another. After Mount Weather, you both carried the trauma, although for different reasons. Jasper had needed someone who had experienced the same pain he had in order for him to accept the offer of being his crutch. Even as a high-ranking member of the Azgeda army, you had watched your comrades die, hanging, being drained of their blood, while you were helpless. For years, you had been trapped as a prisoner, similar to Echo, however, you took their deaths as weakness on your own part, as a failure to do your duty, because you saw the other soldiers that you fought alongside as your family, and to be helpless while watching them die was a heavy, crushing weight. Once out of Mount Weather, you had been sent to Polis by Queen Nia, as a way for her to make her looming presence known without ever being there herself. It wasn't until you had gone to Arkadia again that you had found Jasper. After seeing the effect of what Mount Weather had done to the two of you, no one really made their comments known about how they felt, and, instead, allowed the two of you to be beacons for the other when they realised that no one else could be that person for either of you.

Monty Green:

He had seen the way you had reacted to finding out about Azgeda using the rest of Skaikru as slaves when they came back from Farm Station and told everyone what had happened. The pain and guilt you had felt and displayed showed him, and the rest of Skaikru, that you were no longer the person you were when you had been a part of the Azgeda army. He had stepped up and offered to show you a friendly face, not wanting you to feel secluded from the rest of those at Arkadia. You had a friendship before anything moved further, it was a solid and healthy relationship, which was built on mutual trust for one another. The relationship ultimately progressed when you both realised that you had feelings for one another, that weren't just between friends. It was expected, and no one really seemed to think anything of it when it happened.

Luna Kom Floukru:

There was an understanding between the two of you. That violence was the enemy, and the two of you just wanted to be able to breathe without the threat of war or overwhelming power suffocating you. It was known that your separation from the Azgeda army, as a high-ranking member, was seen as treason, but it was also known, mainly to Floukru, that it was also seen as liberation: desperate salvation. Luna had understood the pain that you had felt, after leaving the Conclave herself, so she welcomed you, and helped you come to terms with your suffering by getting you to talk about it, to realise that it was no longer a part of you, instead of getting you to repress it and have it linger in the back of your mind. Your relationship was probably the only healthy thing in your life, and you cherished it as a lifeline. It was soft and delicate, but also empowering in a way that you had never experienced.

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