[CG] Leadership.

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     If someone had come to you a year ago and told you that you would be a co-leader to the remaining people of the Ark on the ground, you probably would have laughed and punched them in the face. But, standing on top of the watch tower now, overlooking Arkadia, it wasn't much of a crazy idea. If someone had come to you a year ago and told you that you would be a respected citizen and guard, you probably would have scoffed and wrapped a cord around their neck. But, holding the gun in your hands and wearing the Ark guard uniform proudly, it wouldn't have been far off from the truth. If someone had come to you a year ago and told you that you'd be in a healthy relationship with Clarke Griffin, you probably would have raised an eyebrow and stabbed them in the heart. But now, looking down to the ground where she stood staring up at you with that loving smile, it was the best thing in the world.

"Hey, you," she called up, not needing to cup her hands around her mouth as it had been pretty quiet over the past few days.

"Hey, Griff." You leaned over, grinning widely.

"See much?" She asked, referring to outside the gate.

"Oh, I'm seeing a lot." You smirked at her, noting that she rolled her eyes. "A lot of trees," you concluded, watching as the smile on her face widened. "You thought I was going to say something else, didn't you?"

"Maybe just a little bit."

"Would it make you feel any better if I told you I was thinking about it?"

Clarke laughed. "Not in the slightest."

"Good, because I wasn't."

"You're not a very good liar."

"Let's agree to disagree, shall we?" You watched as Clarke laughed again, shaking her head. "Need me from anything?"

"Not yet, I'll find you later though."

"Aye, aye, captain." You saluted before leaning back, standing in the original position you had taken up before.

"Dude, you are so whipped," Miller joked as he shook his head.

"Not as much as you are with Bryan," you argued.

"Let's agree to disagree, shall we?" He echoed.

"Ha, funny." You tore your gaze from him and stared back out towards the trees.


By the time your watch was done, it had gone dark, the fires were lit as more people were out. You placed the gun on your shoulders using the strap, and climbed down the ladder, glad to be wearing gloves as the metal would have been frozen from how cold it was. You jumped down the remaining steps and turned around, flinching when you saw Kane standing there. Kane merely chuckled at your response, you, on the other hand, breathed heavily, standing up straighter. If someone had come to you a year ago and told you that you would be on good terms with the councilman who wanted to float you, you probably would have sneered and lunged at them. But now, shaking hands with him like you were old friends, smiling at each other with pure respect, it felt like it was simply a dream.

"Marcus," you greeted.

"I was wondering if we could take a walk?" He asked.

With the nod of your head, you both began walking at a largo pace towards the remnants of the Ark. "Everything okay? Something wrong?" He could detect the hint of worry in your tone as you glanced at him.

"No. No. Everythings... as it should be, I suppose."

"That's... good?"

He nodded. "I'm actually here on behalf of Abby," he started.

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