[CG] Follow The Leader.

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Gaia, the young Flamekeeper, stood in front of you with a smile. You had successfully finished the ascension and recited the lineage of past Commanders. Clarke stood off to the side with a few of the Sky People, a shy smile on her face when you glanced over at her with a small raise of your eyebrows, trying not to grin. The Grounders knew that, although you weren't in the Conclave with the other Nightbloods, Lexa's spirit still chose wisely.

Some, if not all, of the people in the room, were shocked when you offered your hand to Gaia to shake, thanking her. She stuttered a reply, a small blush on her face as she stepped back, bowing to you, allowing some of those from your own clan to step forward, placing a few of Lexa's old Commander uniform pieces on you before you walked over to the chair she once used to sit in, facing the people in the room.

"Ai laik Heda, and the Coalition between the—now—fourteen clans—" You looked to some of your people then over to Clarke. "Still stands, in commemoration of your previous Commander, Leksa kom Trikru." You nodded your head before you sat down on the chair, the rest of the people in the room lowered to their knees as a sign of respect, including King Roan and the Ice Nation people.

You nodded your head and they stood, bowing their heads before they left the room, leaving only a few of your people and the Sky People. You stood back up when Clarke came over to you with a grin on her face. You walked down the few steps to meet with her. She placed her hands on your arms while you placed yours on her elbows, smiling widely at her.

"Was that too cheesy and overdone?" You asked.

Clarke shook her head. "No, it was perfect."

You continued to smile at her, almost forgetting that anyone else was in the room with you until Kane cleared his throat, offering his hand out for you to shake. "If I may, Commander," he started. You reluctantly let go of Clarke and grabbed his hand, shaking it, just as enthusiastically as he did. "I just want to thank you, for honouring Lexa and the Coalition. After Ontari and the Ice Nation—"

"It was my pleasure, Kane," you interrupted, "I know I wasn't here for the Conclave when she made the initiates swear loyalty to your people, but I hope you know that I swear by it now. Even more so now that Lexa's spirit is within me."

Kane opened his mouth to reply, but seemed rather stunned and thrown off. He shook your hand and smiled instead.

"No harm will come to your people," you informed him.

"Our people," he correctly proudly.

"Our people," you repeated. "You are all welcome to stay here for as long as you need, I'm sure you are all tired."

Abby stepped forward and held Kane's arm, lightly pushing him towards the door, you watched with a smile on your face. Bellamy nodded his head at you before walking out as well. Lastly, Indra and Octavia offered you a smile and a nod before they walked out, beginning a conversation. When two of your people, outside the room, closed the doors, you turned back to Clarke.

"I don't think I can thank you enough."

"You don't need to, Clarke." You shook your head. "I'm just glad that this went well." Clarke looked down with a smile before she pulled you into a hug, your arms went around her waist, resting your chin on your shoulder. "Look at us, a couple of leaders."

"I'm not really a—"

"You helped lead your people since the moment you arrived on Earth, give yourself some credit, Clarke." You pulled away from her with a light smile.

"I think I'm going to rest up, I'll talk to you later," she told you before walking over to the doors.


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