[BB] Extraction.

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     You had just watched the Mountain Men take one of your friends away. They killed him for his bone marrow and they didn't even care that he was just a kid, like everyone else in the room. The tears that rolled down your face turned cold on your skin, the cold air from the vents made a shiver run down your spine. But then again it could have been from the fear of being killed that made you shiver.

     You were chained up next to Harper, another one of your friends, she stood completely still, obviously in shock. Cage was walking around observing the delinquents and a few of the Sky People, like Abby and Marcus, to decide who was going to be next. The rest of the Mountain Men were cleaning up the table—at least they were sanitary in their unethical work—as well as their equipment. You watched them, not watching Cage as he continued to make his way around, talking to himself and another worker, who had a clipboard of names and data.

     "Please don't be me, please," you heard Harper whisper.

     "It's going to be okay," you told her, still not taking your eyes away from the table.

     "How'd you know?"

     "Because I won't let them take you, I'm close to breaking out of the chains so with what remaining energy I have, I'll fight."

     "They'll kill you."

     "Right now, I'm pretty sure I'm already dead."

     "That's not comforting."

     "Sorry," you replied.

     Cage was now standing at the person next to you, they were shaking and crying, pleading not to be next. Cage simply laughed and said something to the person next to him, they nodded and noted something down. A smile almost dropped off of Cage's face when he stepped up to you. He mustn't have been happy that you weren't looking at him as his hand gripped your chin and forced your head to look at him.


     Bellamy and Clarke were watching from the control room, helpless, as Monty was typing away. Clarke had just killed Dante, which prompted Cage to start the extractions early. She knew how close you and the other boy had been, everyone had assumed you two were either siblings—although that probably wasn't likely due to the one child policy—or dating. That had sparked nerves with Bellamy at first, obviously jealous.

     Bellamy stepped closer to the screens when he saw Cage stand in front of you. "Clarke," he started, catching her attention. "Look." Clarke looked to the screen he was looking at.

     "You don't think—" She watched as Cage gripped your chin. "No, no, no. Monty, hurry up."

     "I'm doing the best I can!" He argued back.

     "Clarke, she can't die," Bellamy told her quietly.

     "We won't let it come to that." She shook her head.

     "I have to go stop them." He moved to run out of the control room.

     Clarke grabbed his arm. "Emerson is out there with a bomb, possibly a gun. If you go out there two things will happen. Either you get shot, or you get taken to be killed like her. None of those options help her."

     Bellamy breathed heavily, having no option but to stay there, no matter how badly he wanted to be with you in that moment. He nodded his head, rubbing his face before stepping back to where he was standing beforehand. Clarke let out a sigh, relieved that he was going to stay, she couldn't do this on her own. Her gaze turned back to the screen, Cage was dragging your weak body to the table, silent screams coming from everyone's lips as you were strapped down onto the table.

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