[ZM+CA+CL+JJ+JM] Preference: Braided Intimacy.

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Zoe Monroe:

Monroe would probably shift slightly uncomfortably from her spot on the cushion on the floor while you braided her hair, it wasn't because she didn't want you to do it, but it was because her hair was so long that it took seemingly forever for you to do on your own. It had been a while since somebody had taken their time to do her hair, and she liked the feeling of the comb that you used untangling the small knots in her hair—after untangling the larger knots that is—especially the small knots hidden underneath all of her hair that slightly tugged at the nape of her neck. Whenever you would braid her hair, it would always be in the privacy of your own hut, with the flickering light from the candle flame bouncing off of the walls—which would sometimes lull her into falling asleep, especially when you were brushing her hair. When you finally finish braiding all of her hair, her head would slightly droop forwards and you would have to prevent yourself from laughing lightly while gently pulling her body back towards your own, holding her for a short while, or simply holding her for as long as she slept, shifting the two of both of you so you were both comfortable.

If Monroe was braiding your hair, she would try to be gentle, trying not to tug too much at your hair when she brushed or plaited your hair. Unlike when you do her hair in silence, because she was more often than not falling asleep, Monroe would probably ask you questions about other small intimate activities that Grounders do—considering as your culture was a stark difference to her own. Her arms would probably get tired quickly, considering as she probably didn't plait her hair on her own when she first came to Earth, but rather got some help—probably from Harper—so she would take a lot of breaks, which would end up causing the time it took her to do your hair to be the same as it was for you to do hers.


Plaiting Anya's hair didn't take that long, especially as she didn't like to plait all of her hair, but rather small bits and pieces. She would hand you the small strands of fabric and feathers that you needed to plait into her hair, often fiddling with them in her hands before she did. Anya would sometimes try turning her head to talk to you, forgetting what it was that you were doing if she was invested in the topic of conversation, only for you to look at her with a pointed look that lasted only a few seconds before you ended up smiling and replying to her—causing you to spend more time on her hair than you both originally thought you would.

When Anya was plaiting your hair, it was one of the few times where you saw her smile as much as she did, or talk in a more softer tone of voice. She would plait a lot of smaller braids at the start before merging them together to make a larger plait from the top of your head down to the bottom. Her style would change a lot, depending on how much time the two of you actually had together, and whether she wanted to braid a lot of your hair or whether she wanted to only do some and leave the rest down as you did for her.

Commander Lexa:

Lexa's style was very unique compared to others. She would love to spend this intimate moment with you, usually breaking away from the facade she put up when she was around the other Grounders. Her voice wouldn't be as strong or as harsh as it was when she was outside of the room that you both shared, it would be soft and caring. While you braided her hair, she would probably be the one to initiate conversations between the two of you, as you often got lost in your own world while you did her hair—not that that was a problem, it was just that Lexa liked listening to you talk, especially if her days were busy and she didn't get to spend as much time with you as she wanted to. She would probably hold things for you while you plaited her hair and moved it into her usual style, or she would probably play with a strand of her hair that you wouldn't be using, plaiting it and un-plaiting it herself.

When Lexa did your hair, she would try to do a similar style to hers, obviously depending on how long your hair was. She would run her fingers through your hair a lot, or she would brush your hair longer than she needed to because she liked how soft it was, and how smoothly the brush went through it. As she plaited your hair, she would probably kiss your shoulder very softly, just taking in the moment she had with you while it lasted because you rarely got to spend a lot of time with her during these moments as she was always needed elsewhere.

Jasper Jordan:

Jasper had never really braided anyone hair before—he never had to, Monty never needed his hair braided, and Maya only ever had her hair down in the time that he knew her. When he met you, you had to show him how to do it, using small amounts of your hair at a time, which was what he was most comfortable with. He didn't want to hurt you, so he would be very delicate, sometimes telling you how much he liked your hair or how much he liked being able to do your hair.

Jasper would probably be shy to ask if you could braid his hair, when it was longer, of course. He would only ask when it was only the two of you, and it was only if he knew he wasn't going to be leaving the room for anything. He liked the way your fingers brushed through his hair and the feeling of you untangling some of the knots he had in his hair.

John Murphy:

Murphy didn't really get why you wanted him to plait your hair at first until either Emori or Echo made an offhanded comment about it. Murphy was surprisingly quick at learning and was also very good at braiding your hair—which was either something he was just good at, or the girls had taught him how to do some plaits after he asked once he understood why you wanted him to do it.

By the time you had met Murphy, his hair wasn't long enough to braid, but that didn't mean that he didn't like the feeling of you running your fingers through his hair when you had your small, short, initiate moments together.

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