[CG+OB+RR+CL] Preference: They Ask You Out.

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Clarke Griffin:

It was a while after the dropship had landed on Earth when Clarke decided to ask you out. It wasn't exactly her asking, it was more her being jealous that someone else was talking to you. You were talking with another delinquent when Clarke walked over placing her hand around your waist glaring at the boy.

"She's taken already."

Making the boy walk away and you turn to face her. She apologised and said it was because she couldn't let someone else take away someone she loved away from her. She didn't want to lose you the way she lost her dad, without a fight.

Octavia Blake:

Being a Grounder meant you weren't one to care for the Sky People. However, one caught your eye. She was welcomed into your clan but seemed smitten with Lincoln, so you ignored everything to do with her. That was until she was arguing with Lincoln in the middle of the village, she looked pissed and Lincoln was shoving her away from him. You stormed over there and stood in front of her facing Lincoln, you spat out harsh words that Octavia wouldn't understand when he told you he was trying to get her to talk to you about something 'important' you turned to face Octavia who looked nervous.

"I might not be much, but I stayed with Lincoln to learn about you. I needed help on how to ask you out," she spoke softly, "but that plan is now ruined, so will you do me the honour of being mine?" Yes.

Raven Reyes:

Raven had you helping her with small tasks around the Ark, she had just got used to her leg brace but it still hurt her to walk, so you suggested that you would do it for her. You had just come back from collecting scrap metal from outside, you placed it on the table and began to separate the pieces into different piles.

"Do you mind getting me that letter on the table?" Raven breathed out while walking in the room, sitting on her chair. You grabbed the paper and handed it to her. "Thanks." She opened it up and read it out loud, "You are Carbon, Uranium, Tellurium." You looked over at her confused and she smiled sheepishly. "Cute, you are cute." That's how you started dating a giant nerd.

Commander Lexa:

You were in the weapons room sharpening the knives and spears when the tent flap opened up. You didn't bother turning around to face them, you were too busy getting the weapons ready for training. You picked up a spear and began sharpening the ends.

"Wow," you heard someone next to you and you spun to face them, the tip of the spear and their neck. "Looking...sharp." It was Lexa, she was smirking at her own words, it was pretty smooth of her. You moved the spear away from her and she continued to look at you. "Be ready by sundown, meet me by the gate, I'm taking you out." With that, she left the tent, not letting you say anything. Well, she was your Commander, you really should do what she says.

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