[JM] Who Am I?

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     The sun was shining. That would usually make people happy, especially on Earth with everything going on around them. It hadn't even been a century that had gone by since the war had taken place before Earth was deemed 'uninhabitable' and 'dangerous'. It hadn't even been a century gone when your people had started up another war, this time with the fallen warriors from the sky.

Your previous Warrior Commander, Anya, had a hatred so strong towards those people that you couldn't even imagine her wanting to set an alliance up with them. However, the smooth convincing from the courageous blonde said otherwise. You knew Anya would always make the right decision for her people and after witnessing the strength Clarke had held made you believe that Anya had wanted an alliance, she knew when to make a deal.

Time had passed, Anya was taken away by the Mountain Men for blood and the Sky People in fear. You weren't sure which one made you angrier. The Mountain Men had no sympathy towards your people and would gladly drain the innocent of their life for their selfish needs, whereas the Sky People had not witnessed the true horrors that Earth had hidden and so it was understandable that they would be on edge at night.

But that did not excuse them for taking away the life of the woman who made you see hope. Anya was not only a great Warrior Commander but also family. You might not have been family by blood but she was still family, which you remember her saying that it is because your family doesn't end with blood. It's with the ones who make you feel like you are at home, the ones who you feel safe with and the ones who would never be taken away from your mind.

    Your mind. That was the one thing you questioned the most.

The voices began to eat away at you and soon enough made you feel alone. You hated that feeling, the feeling that you couldn't trust anyone with anything. Everything was slowly beginning to be taken away from you. First, it was your land, then your home, then your family and now your sanity. You had been the only one to blame for that, you let yourself fall.

Or did you? Had you been pushed by those around you? Or had you already been there and only just realised now?

You had seated yourself outside the walls of camp and watched as the sun started to set across the hill tops. The air was dropping in temperature but still felt warm against your skin. The forest was silent, with the exception of the leaves brushing against one another in the wind. It was, in other words, peaceful.

    You felt at peace.

On the outside.

On the inside, it was a different scenario, you had never been the favourite one out of your people, a lot of them lost faith in you after you snapped. It wasn't your fault, it wasn't. It's not your fault that it happened. It's okay to be broken but it's not okay for people to break you. No, not anymore.

    But you couldn't just leave, you would have nowhere to go and you couldn't survive alone.

But you couldn't stay, you couldn't take the stares or the whispering, you were only a teenager. They expected so much of you and when you couldn't live up to their expectations, they gave up on you completely.

    What family does that? What family pushes you away until you break? What family tells you that you failed them? What family makes you feel alone? What family forces a teenager into the real world so fast without teaching them about it first? What family makes their child give up their childhood? Are they really your family? Have you ever had one? Will you ever have one?


    It wasn't real, it's the voices again.

"Hey, stop that."

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