[MG] The Kiss Thief.

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     Earth's weather was nothing like you had thought it would have been like. When you first landed it had been bright, warm, almost like a fairy-tale, something you'd never thought you'd ever experience after being stuck in the Ark for your entire life. But some days the wind was extra cold, or the rain felt like small ice droplets falling from the sky.

     Everyone had been issued with delinquent uniforms, including a jacket. But not all of the jackets issued were as warm or as cosy as Monty's. Monty had been asleep when you walked into his shared tent with Jasper who was hardly on the makeshift bed while he slept. His noodle limbs hanging off the side, his goggles still on his head, the blanket barely covering one leg.

     Monty was curled up in the blanket, tucked away from the cold, you found his jacket at the bottom of his bed and quickly put it on before leaving to go help out with the wall building. Murphy wasn't up yet so, hopefully, you could get started without him pestering you. Maybe he would appreciate the effort.

     Sterling and Monroe were also awake, trying to put two pieces together. You walked over and helped Sterling hold them together while Monroe quickly tightened the pieces, all of you lifting it up to slot into another piece of the wall. The three of you continued to build the wall throughout most of the morning when you noticed Monty as the corner of your eye looking around the camp.

     "Monty, what are you doing?" You asked him as he continued to search.

     "I'm looking..." He mumbled without looking back at you.


     "My jacket, I could have sworn I left it in my tent," he mumbled again.

     "Oh, you did, I took it." You shrugged. He stopped moving and stood up straighter, turning around to look at you.

     "Why?" He asked as he stepped closer.

     "My jacket is too cold and yours isn't, besides it rained last night so it was really cold earlier today," you explained.

     "I know it was cold because I'm still cold now." He stepped closer, his hands on his jacket.

     "You're working in the dropship, I'm working outside, you'll be warmer than I will." You pouted as he tried to take it back.

     "Give me my jacket." He laughed as he struggled to get it off you, you quickly tiptoed to kiss his cheek, making him freeze.

     "But this way everyone will know I'm your girlfriend," you whispered to him before you stepped back, his body still frozen, you smirked to yourself and continued to work on the wall, leaving Monty to snap out of his trance and walk to the dropship with a shy smile on his face.


     Soon enough it was later that day, the sun was beginning to go down, the cold wind started to drift into camp. You moved into your tent to get away from some of the cold. You shared a tent with Fox, one of the girls who usually kept to herself and only spoke to those who were helping her with the wall.

     "There you are!" Monty grinned as he stepped into your tent, wrapping his arms around you from behind.

     "You found me, in my tent..." You laughed to yourself as you turned to face him, a smile on both of your faces, you wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him into a hug.

     "At first, I thought you were building the wall, then maybe on guard duty or out hunting, then I thought it was my tent that you burrowed your way into. Your tent was not my immediate thought." He shrugged.

     "You thought that I would be in your tent and not mine?"

     "You're always in my tent stealing my things." He poked your sides making you squeal and take a step back from him.

     "Borrowing," you corrected.

     "Stealing," he repeated.

     "Borrowing without permission." You shrugged and he smiled at you.

     "Can I have it back now? I'm meant to be on guard duty, and I'd rather be warm than cold." He stepped closer to you and tried pulling his jacket off you like he did earlier.

     "It's mine now." You tried pulling away.

     "No, it's not you little thief." He laughed as you struggled to get away.

     "No." You were trapped in his arms now and decided to kiss his cheek to see if he'd freeze up again, giving you enough time to run like you did earlier.

     You moved your head to try and kiss his cheek but Monty moved his head just the slightest bit so your lips touched. You both quickly pulled away with a blush to your cheeks, you stuttered to apologise but he grinned and pulled you into a kiss again, his hands on your waist while yours snaked up to cup his face.

     "Can I have my jacket back, you little thief?" He smirked when he pulled away, this time you stood frozen, he took this stunned moment to take his jacket back and put it on. "I'll be back later." He kissed your cheek before exiting your tent. A warm smile reading its way to your face as you brought a hand up to touch your lips.

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