[CG] Dating Would Include:

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• her always being stressed when you go out hunting
• and when you return she does that little smile with her eyes closed while breathing our in relief (you know the one she did when she was talking to Bellamy while he was at Mount Weather)
• Clarke having to patch you up when you get hurt
• sometimes she gets flustered when you have to take your shirt off for her to help you
• smirking bc you know she's trying her best not to get distracted
• when she's done you sit up slowly which freaks her out bc what part of 'okay so you need to rest for a couple days, which means no getting up or hunting for a while' didn't you understand
• hanging your legs off the side of the bed with her kinda panicking bc again what didn't you understand about 'no getting up'
• pulling her closer to you slowly with a smirk on your face still and trapping her between your legs while resting your hands on her cheeks
• pulling her face closer to yours and placing a kiss on her lips
• feeling her smile while kissing you back
• cuddles
• making her worried when you work out with the Grounders bc 'last time you were near them they tried to gut you like a fish'
• but always reassuring her when you seem to get along better with them while working together
• kisses
• nose kisses
• forehead kisses
• hugs
• hugs from behind
• playing with her hair
• rescuing her instead of Bellamy
• helping her out in the medical tent or for touch decisions
• passionate sex
• being her second according to all the Grounders
• sticking up for her against people who want to hurt her or don't believe in her bc your girlfriend can do anything, she is the goddamn Wanheda, kneel before the queen
• her having to calm you down a lot
• giving shoulder kisses as the two of you get changed together
• plaiting her hair
• being shocked about the red hair but saying it still looks good
• her asking you to teach her how to fight
• when she gets too stressed out you make her stop what's she's going and just hold her
• sometimes you sway and kinda slow dance with her which always makes her smile and laugh bc 'if you are dancing to music then you are insane, there isn't any music what are you humming to?' And then mumbling a really cheesy song to her but being really passionate about it making her laugh even more
• shoulder rubs for yo gurl
• her having to clean off your warrior makeup even tho she's reluctant bc 'it just looks so good on you' so sometimes you have to keep it on
• which leads to more sex
• let's be real
• her mum loving you bc 'no one has ever cared enough about my daughter to protect her the way you do'
• although Clarke is worried you will do a Finn and murder innocent Grounders
• but when she sees you playing or helping the Grounders, especially the children, she relaxes knowing that you are nothing like him
• comforting her when it all becomes too much
• you making sure she doesn't forget to eat
• her making sure you don't forget to eat
• finding some place to wash up and taking a bath together
• and then swimming together bc why wouldn't you take advantage of the water
• Raven teasing the both of you bc she knows how much you love each other
• threatening anyone who tries to disturb her from sleeping bc they have a small problem bc 'my baby needs her sleep, if you think she can run for an entire week on nothing without dropping dead then I'm going to make sure you drop dead, oh suck it up its just a small cut get over it, oh your head hurts? How about I make the rest of your body hurt, huh, go away!'
• although waking Clarke up in the process of your threats and making her laugh bc you aren't sympathetic to anyone but her
• forcing her to go back to bed
• but she wants you to lay with her
• but you have training to get to
• her saying that if you're getting up then so is she
• glaring at her when she starts to get up
• having to close the door slowly while getting ready for bed
• bc you're not going to bed dressed like a tree of knives
• her smirking knowing she got what she wanted
• but her playing it off as a smile
• but you know
• her laying her head on your chest and cuddling into you
• mumbling 'goodnight' to her when you realise that you were actually tired and needed some sleep
• someone walking in to ask for help but seeing you both sleeping they walk out quietly before yelling to everyone that you're asleep and not to disturb you
• loudly
• disturbing you
• causing you to groan and Clarke to laugh at you
• finding old books in the Ark or journals and diaries and seeing them filled with weird holiday traditions like Christmas and Valentine's Day, not knowing what any of them are bc the Ark didn't really celebrate them, and picking a random day to celebrate Valentine's Day bc no one knows the date, and trying to make it really special for Clarke
• her blushing and smiling like mad as she asks what all of it is and hearing you stutter and try to explain Valentine's Day and why you wanted to do it for her
• her being the one to say I love you first
• you're shocked but say it back straight away making her really happy
• helping her when she gets sick
• always listening to her ideas and following her
• even when the adults say it's a bad idea
• you go off and tell them that floating their children is a bad idea and how they sent them down to earth to die which shuts them the fuck up
• Clarke being all smug when you go off on them and shut them down bc it's hot and she finally has someone on her side regardless of what it is
• dating Clarke Griffin yo

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