[MG] Sweet Tease.

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     The trees blurred into one as you willed your legs to push harder, to run faster, to get away.

     You stupidly went out on a hunt alone and didn't tell anyone where you would be, which you regretted. You ended up getting lost at some point and you didn't know which direction you came from. You only had a machete but you had dropped it a while back.

     Which was once more, a big mistake. You could hear the Grounders chasing after you, their war cries and the leaves blowing in the wind as they ran passed. They were catching up to you. Which terrified you.

     You should have told someone where you were going or paid more attention to which directions you went, looking for familiar surroundings to help you on your way back. You should have waited to ask someone to go with you. But you didn't. In fact, you couldn't even remember leaving the camp.

     Which terrified you even more. You weren't paying attention to anything. You weren't sure how long it had been since you told Monty you'd be back to talk more after getting a drink from the water tent. You left him waiting.

     You, at some point, changed your mind about getting water and decided to go get fresh food for everyone instead. You heard someone mention how you were running out of meat and that the camp needed to go out on a hunt for more in the morning. You decided to surprise everyone and bring food back while they slept so they didn't have to leave.

     By now the Grounders were getting closer and closer. You could see them out of the corner of your eyes as they ran beside you, taunting you, almost as if it were a game to them. You could feel the tears rolling down your cheeks as you ran as fast as you could.

     Your lungs burnt and your heart pumped quickly. You tripped on something and fell. Trying to get up quickly to continue running was no longer an option as you saw boots in front of your face. You looked up to see a Grounder crouch down with a large rock, seeing it slam down onto your face before everything went black.

     You woke up with a gasp, sitting up in bed, clutching the blanket closer to your body as you looked around the tent in a panic, only to see Fox snoring away on her bed. Your body was covered in a cold sweat as you wiped your forehead, trying to get your pulse to slow down to normal.

     You got up slowly, making sure to not wake up Fox. You slipped your shoes on before poking your head out to an empty camp. Everyone was asleep. You walked out and wrapped your arms around your body and you quickly ran to Monty's tent, trying not to step on any twigs while you were at it.

     You slowed down as you got to the tent and opened the flap, silently tiptoeing inside as you kicked your shoes off and crawling over to Monty's bed. You lifted the blanket and got underneath, he opened one eye at you and saw the look on your face. How shaky you were and how paranoid you looked.

     He smiled lightly to himself and wrapped his arm around you as you laid your head on his chest. He placed a kiss on the top of your head before laying back down and closing his eyes to sleep. His hands running up and down your back soothingly as you closed your eyes and breathed deeply.

     Hoping that this time, you didn't dream of dying.


     The next morning you woke up to Jasper cackling, you furrow your eyebrows as he continued to laugh. Monty woke up and looked at you with a smile before turning his head to Jasper.

     "Shut up."

     "Look at the two of you." He laughed again, clutching his stomach.

     "It's not funny, Jasper."

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