[MG] Dating Would Include:

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• him teaching you about plants that you see on the ground (and joking about drugs bc of The Ark)
• helping him with the wristbands (sitting really close to each other and bumping heads bc too close)
• being friends with Jasper
• silently judging people together (my deadly silent son who is a ray of sunshine)
• making/ getting drunk on Unity Day juice
• "who can throw the most nuts and berries in the air and catch them in their mouth" contests
• cuddles bc cuddle bug
• being each other's first bc just like Jasper you are weenies
• hugs all the time
• hugs from behind
• him kissing your cheek a lot
• when you hug, you kiss his neck and he kisses your forehead
• Non-awkward silences
• in Mount Weather, you share deserts (Jasper could have shared his chocolate cake, lil shit)
• holding hands
• him actually being really talkative and confident around you
• but being shy and quiet around other people
• him being a gentle dork
• being the tough one in the relationship
• when he got into a fight with Jasper he shared your tent
• him playing with your hair
• having complicated sounding conversations w/ each other when you are actually discussing food ingredients but using scientific vocab instead which confuses everyone else around you
• staring competitions
• neither of you listening to the Weathermen and their bullshit bc you know the truth
• both getting caught by the Weathermen when he signs the room check clipboard thing (y'all know what I mean)
• being protective of each other
• synchronised sighs and eye rolls at people
• being close with Octavia
• Clarke asking for your help a lot bc your smart like Monty
• casually saying that you ship Minty at Mount Weather even though your dating Monty
• besties with Miller and Harper (my moon children)
• inside jokes
• dating Monty Green

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