[JM] Now You're Not Alone.

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     Conor and Derek had been assigned wall guard duty, their guns were raised in wait as they scoured the perimeter for any threat that could endanger the lives of the other delinquents.

     You and Octavia had made your way to Monty who was also watching, he turned his head to both of you and smiled, you smiled back as he spoke, "Hey, no sign of your brother or the others yet?" Octavia was looking out with her mouth parted.

     "Hey, I don't care," she spoke with a low voice, you looked to her as she squinted her eyes, you looked out and saw a white lily in a tree and a smile on her face.

     "Jasper, tell us again," you heard some of the delinquents from behind you. "How did you stay so calm? I would have been terrified." You turned around to see Harper, looking at Jasper, with puppy dog eyes, he shook his head.

     "Fear is only a problem if you let it stop you, right?" You rolled your eyes at him, you couldn't believe that he had the nerve to act all high and mighty when you watched his hands shake before he went trigger happy on the grounders.

     "That's not even his line," you spoke up as you looked back to Monty. "Finn said that." Octavia nodded as Monty looked at the two of you with a forced smile before you all jumped down from the platform to watch him bullshit to a group who didn't know any better.

     "I saw the Grounders in the trees. It was like nothing I ever felt. Pure animal instinct took over, one pull of the trigger, two Grounders dead." He looked at Harper who had her head tilted. Octavia leaned over.

     "Pure animal instinct? More like pure pants-wetting panic." Octavia scoffed.

     "You don't really know what you're made of until a moment like that, you know when it's 'kill or be killed' and there's just nothing between you and a tip of a spear." You rolled your eyes again.

     "Okay, this has to stop," you stated and went to go tell Jasper to knock it off, but Monty pulled you back.

     "C'mon." He looked at Jasper. "Let us have this." He smiled to himself.

     "'Us'?" Octavia asked. Monty held his hands out to Jasper.

     "Look at him, my boys a folk hero." You looked and saw Jasper knock hands with another delinquent before fist bumping him. "They even gave us a bigger tent." You shook your head at him before something clattered outside of the wall. Everyone turned to look in fear.

     "Somebody hit the trip wire!" People began to raise their guns in the direction of the gates.

     "Which wire? Was it a Grounder?" Someone else chimed in. Octavia grew a face of worry and you patted her arm, you knew Lincoln was too smart for that.

     "I don't see anything," a boy mentioned while Octavia and yourself looked at the lily.

     "Are you sure it was the trip wire?" Someone else commented as Derek lifted his gun.

     "I've got nothing. Conor?" Derek said.

     "Nothin'," he replied.

     "Something moved!" Octavia looked at the wall in panic as someone mentioned movement.

     "We don't know that it's him, O," you whispered to her.

     "What if it is?" She spoke back.

     "I know how to fight, so does he, if needs be, I'll get him out of here, I promise." You looked at her before she nodded.

     "There, there, there!" Derek yelled at shot his gun. Octavia turned to you as you stepped closer to the gate. "I think I got him. Let's go!"

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