[RR+CG+OB+CL] Preference: Recovery.

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Raven Reyes:

You didn't realise that the meat hut could be so dangerous, you especially didn't know that you were going to get burnt while cutting up the meat. Your back had been to the fire, already starting off bad and stupid, when someone else who was working with you put too much wood in it, causing it to get bigger and well burst, or whatever it was. You could feel your back sting, you quickly jumped away hissing in pain, you swore loudly causing people to come over and watch, including Raven, who had taken a liking to you. She pulled you away and dragged you to Clarke to carefully peeled your melted leather jacket from your back and your top as well, she applied something cold, very cold, and told you to take it easy. Raven made sure you did exactly that and forced you to stay by her side the entire time you were healing. She applied the cold cream to your back and made sure that the cloth was wet and cold before cleaning it up, she didn't leave you, even after it healed.

Clarke Griffin:

Clarke went berserk when she heard that an arrow went through your leg. She began to yell at Bellamy, who had been the one to take you out hunting with the rest of the small group and pounded her fists on his chest. She banished him from the dropship while she tried to help you, she kept apologising every time she had to move the arrow or touch your wound, her hands occasionally shaking and her breathing being uneven. She had to give you shorts to wear while your leg was healing as your skinny jeans were in the way, she would check on you every single free minute she had and would carefully clean your wound and rewrap it up while cursing Bellamy under her breath making you laugh or smile.

Octavia Blake:

Octavia was only seeing red as she began to threaten anyone who came near you after hearing that you got hurt. You were a Grounder and got hurt during a hunting trip, well it was more like you were being hunted. Some of your people mistook you for prey and shot at you, but quickly got you back to your healer. Your stomach was healing nicely and nothing was damaged internally, but Octavia was acting like your head had just been severed off with your people's teeth and given to her on a pike. Octavia made sure that she was always with you, helping you walk, even if it wasn't necessary, getting you things and telling you that you should get it rechecked or to let Clarke look at it. It made you smile seeing the Sky Person care so deeply about you, even more so when she spoke your language, even if it was just about your wound.

Commander Lexa:

Oh boy. When Lexa found out that her 'little warrior from the sky' had been hurt she made sure that you stayed locked away in her room, only to be seen by either her or the healer. It wasn't as bad as she made it out to be to her people, you quite literally fell from a tree and twisted your ankle, but she made it out to be that someone had personally made it their mission to get your hurt. Lexa would always check up on you even if you were sleeping, she would sit beside you and push your hair out of your face and would kiss your forehead whispering threats to get better or else 'your leg won't be the only thing twisted', she had a weird way of trying to make you feel better. But at times she would play with your hair and trace patterns along your arms or back, actually being gentle rather than the Commander that she is.

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