[BB] Unlikely.

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     Death surrounded you, it filled up your being with all that it could, it closed in on you like a nightmare enveloping you in its arms of darkness.

Well, that's what you assumed after being sent down to a heaping ball of radiation after the war that took place ninety-seven years ago. That's all it took before the Chancellor of the Ark, a giant size toaster oven floating around in space, had decided it was best for all of those living on the Ark.

He believed he knew exactly what his so-called people needed and how he should go about in order to deliver it to them.

One of those bright ideas was to send one hundred of their children to their death on a broken ass rocket. That you were sure was going to break off into a million pieces leaving your body to implode on itself after instantly freezing you then boiling you up.

Yeah, you knew what type of shit happened to a human body if it ever got sucked out into the abyss, it wasn't something that was new to you, after all, your mother died from it as well as your father and unborn sibling.

The Ark was strict with its one child per couple policy, well, it wasn't your fault nor your mothers that she was impregnated by a guard. If you had your own way they would all be dead. It's not like their deaths would have affected you in any way what-so-ever because clearly the death of your parents, their friends, and some of their own children's deaths didn't have any long-lasting effect on them.

You had been seated on the dropship further away from the other so-called delinquents. Who cares if we're criminals? We are teenagers, what did they expect? Perfect angels to do their bidding?


No way in hell. You, along with the others, wanted to have fun and live even if it meant breaking a few laws. I mean, come on people. What's life without a little living? The dropship corner that you sat in had no light source, so you sat in darkness in both mind and actual darkness, but you didn't complain, you knew no one there so it saved you from some awkward conversations and greetings.

The dropship began to shake. Oh great, you could already feel the welcome party in hell getting ready for your arrival.

People began to scream and yell out, more of the lights on your level cut off making more people scream, especially the girls, come on people! It's just a few lights.

By now a loud bang emitted from the dropship and back up lights kicked in, people began to unbuckle slowly, screw slowly, you quickly got out of your uncomfortable seat that numbed your butt and went straight over to the hatch and climbed down to the second level and again down to the first.

You skipped the last of the ladder steps and jumped down causing a bang to erupt from under your feet and a few more screams from people on the upper level. Grow the hell up.

"Let's get this death on the road, shall we?" You mumbled to yourself and walked closer to the latch to open the door but a guard was already there. "For fuck sakes." You sighed to yourself and stood on the other side of the door opposite the guard with gelled back hair.

"Bellamy?" A young girl emerged from the crowd and you rolled your eyes as she neared the guard, time to ignore them. You looked at the crowd of people and pulled a disgusted face, there was only a handful of attractive people. Great.

You began to hear people talk about the young girl and how she lived under the floor.

"No one has a brother!" Someone yelled out followed by a loud 'yeah, he's right' from another kid, the two siblings, well, you guessed they were siblings, she was far too young for him and they looked alike.

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