[MG] The Cycle.

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     You groaned out in pain as your uterus decided to literally fall apart. You held your lower stomach in hopes that it would ease the pain, but that wasn't working. You dropped some of the firewood you had been carrying and sat down on one of the logs, hunched over with your face scrunched up in pain. You knew this day was going to come but you didn't really expect the pain to be this bad, it had been fine the last time you had one, but this one was one of the worst.

     "Do you need Clarke?" Monty asked as he stopped in front of you, he crouched down in front of you, both of his hands resting on your knees keeping him stable. "Or is it that time?" He asked in a quiet tone looking around, making sure no one heard. It wasn't that he thought it was a bad subject, he just didn't want anyone to laugh and make fun of you saying you were being overdramatic.

     "It's that time," you grumbled out. Monty let out a sigh before standing up. "I'm just going to crawl up and die somewhere in the woods, let the animals get to me." You huffed. Monty smiled at shook his head, he leaned down and took your hands in his lifting you up, much to your dislike and objections. "Stop," you whined as you stood up, feeling even worse as the blood began to move.

     "You can crawl up and die in my arms in my tent," he commented before taking your hand in his pulling you along with him to the tent. "I'll make you feel better, or at least try." He shrugged as he stepped in and let you shuffle over to the makeshift bed. You slowly laid down and groaned as another wave of pain hit you. Monty laid down next to you and began rubbing circles on your lower stomach.

     "Thanks, Monty," you spoke quietly, he smiled back at you and continued to rub your stomach. "I don't know what I'd do without you." You closed your eyes and tried to relax through the pain. The tent flap opened and Jasper walked in, not noticing you or Monty, he laid down on his own bed and sighed. "You okay, Jasp?" He jumped and turned his head to both of you.

     "Oh hey." He sat up a bit leaning on his elbows with a smile. "Period?" He made a sympathetic face as you nodded. "That sucks." He laid back down again with his eyes closed. "Do you want me to get you some of the meat from the hut? I just finished cooking it, and I'm sure Bellamy wouldn't mind if I stole some for you." He turned his head to look at you.

     "I think Blake would mind," you responded. "He doesn't really like me that much, I think it's because when I first met him I accidentally hit him in the stomach. To my defence, he walked up to a girl who was spinning around with her arms open taking in the fresh air and the sun, he was being stupid." You looked over to Jasper and he stood up. "You don't have to, I have Monty." Jasper waved you off.

     "It's fine, besides he owes me a favour. Actually, that was a lie, he doesn't, but he doesn't know that." He paused. "That was a lie too, he would know. I'm sure he'll let you off with it because it's the blood moon." He waved his hands towards you with a grimace. "Or whatever code name I made up for it." He shook his head and left them in the tent.

     "He made a code name for your period?" Monty snickered. "That's so stupid." He laughed. "Actually, that's rude, he didn't come to me to come up with a name, I thought we were a team..." He pouted. You shook your head with a smile at him just as he continued to rub your stomach again. "Does this help?" You nodded your head. "I wish there was more I could do to help; the Ark should have sent down more supplies in preparation for this." You couldn't agree more.

     "Where is she?" You heard Bellamy ask from outside the tent. "I don't care if you need help with the fire, ask someone else." He huffed before walking in, you noticed that one of the delinquents were walking away while Jasper popped back in after Bellamy. "Jasper said you were bleeding, do you need Clarke? Or is it...You know?" He shrugged.

     You rolled your eyes and pointed to where Monty's hand was. "Ah." He nodded his head in understanding. "I think O was complaining of hers yesterday or something," he mentioned.

     "Maybe Octavia and I should sync up," you pointed out.

     "Yeah, no, don't do that." Jasper shuddered.

     "Did you get the stuff?" You asked.

     "Yep." Jasper held out a piece of meat on one of the sticks to you.

     "Thanks, Jasp." You smiled as you took it from him. You looked to Bellamy who was staring down at you. "What?" You raised an eyebrow.

     "Nothing, do you need anything else?" He questioned, but you shrugged. "Okay, well let me or Jasper know if you do." You were shocked at how nice he was being to you. "Just try not to kill anyone." He left after that, without letting you respond.

     "Okay, well, I'll be just outside." Jasper began to walk out again. "Don't hesitate to call." He slowly walked backward out of the tent and sat down on one of the logs beside someone else and started up and conversation with them, while you finished off the food.

     "Are you tired?" Monty asks as you yawned. "You haven't done anything..." He furrowed his eyebrows and you waved him off before rolling over until half of your body was on Monty. "Cuddles?" He asked you before placing his arms around you. You hummed a response as you closed your eyes and nuzzled your head into his neck. "Okay," he said quietly before running a hand down your back.

     He kissed the top of your head and you wrapped your arm around his waist and tangled your legs with his, moving around to lay in a comfortable position that wouldn't hurt.

     "Monty, I'm dying," you whined. "I'm bleeding to death, I didn't sign up for this. Why can't I just get a letter that tells me I'm not pregnant, rather than gushing blood? I would know if I was pregnant or not, I'm like the Virgin Mary." You huffed out and buried your head into Monty's chest.

     "You know she was pregnant, right?" Monty answered, causing you to groan.

     "Shut up." You pouted.

     "I was just stating the facts," he replied in defence.

     "The facts are stupid," you mumbled.

     "You're stupid." He laughed to himself as you hit his chest. "Ow." He was still laughing. "Okay, okay you're not stupid." He wrapped his arms around you tighter and squeezed you. "Just go to sleep." You moved your head to look up at him.

     "Thank you for being with me." You leaned up and kissed his cheek before resting your head in the crook of his neck once more. You let out a sigh as you began to fall asleep on Monty. Bellamy had popped his head in leaving a cup of water and some berries and meat beside the bed for you when you woke up. Jasper was still chatting away to the other delinquents. While you and Monty were cuddled up in his bed.

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